McCain/Lieberman Bill, fresh stuff

All of those groups are groups that AGS bought off with $60k grants last year - some of them are backing both the McCain-Lieberman and the Reed bill because any background check is a good one to gun control groups.

We definitely shouldn't underestimate this group. They managed to push background checks for gun shows in Colorado and Oregon and even get a lot of gun owners on board.

A couple of things you should know about this bill.

1) Gun show promoters can be fined $10,000 for any violation that happens - whether they knew about it or not.

2) ANY vendor who sells at a gun show must be registered with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Sec.Treas. can designate any additional info be collected on vendors that he deems necessary. Doesn't matter if you are selling nothing but beef jerky...

3) Gun show promoters have to submit the same paperwork three separate times. Three times to screw up and see point number one.

This is a very bad bill, we need to stomp it down in the worst way.