"McCain has Strange Friends"

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Just got this via e-mail. Thought I'd pass it along:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
McCain Has Strange Friends

By Neal Knox Feb. 12 update -- Former New York Mayor
Koch -- who rammed through the city's "assault weapon"
registration law, which his successor, David Dinkins, used to
confiscate those guns – has joined the swelling ranks of
Democrats saying they "would be
comfortable with" John McCain as President.

And McCain is on the cover of all three major news
magazines this week.

Even if I didn't know that McCain was largely responsible
for last May's Republican cave-in on gun laws, his bedfellows
and admirers would be making me extremely uncomfortable.

Editor's Note by Weldon Clark
McCain breathed new life into the Juvenile Justice Bill's anti-
gun amendments, after it had been KILLED. McCain and 4
other moderate Republicans said they would vote for the
Lautenberg gun show ban bill unless the Republican
Leadership brought up a bill. They did and it passed the

McCain told Neal Knox and the present Second Vice
President of NRA that he would never forget what NRA had
done in the 1994 election. He then cosponsored the McCain
Feingold Campaign Finance bill. This bill would prevent all
independent groups such as NRA, Christian Coalition, Right
to Life and other conservative groups from doing effective
election campaigns. They could not report the voting records
of candidates 60 days prior to the election. ALL elections
would be tilted toward anti-gun liberals.

George W. Bush did say in the debate last night if you took
the guns from law abiding citizens only the criminal would
have guns.
Democrats to Raid Republican Primary

Paul Goldman (former Virginia Democratic Chairman) writing
in The Roanoke Times is urging democrats to vote for
McCain in the Republican Party Primary in both Virginia and
South Carolina. In Virginia he is urging that democrats sign
the GOP loyalty oath at the primary voting and then violate it
in the fall by voting for the democratic candidate. Mr.
Goldman says "On Feb 29 Virginia democrats can save
Social Security, upset Gov. Jim Gilmore, help Sen. Charles
Robb defeat George Allen, enrage the Rev. Jerry Falwell
and, last but not least, perhaps guarantee Al Gore or Bill
Bradley's election in November."

Editor's note: Do not listen to democratic lies. The
Republican plan saves Social Security. The Virginia
Governor is a Republican.
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