Maybe it was a practice bombing run


New member
buzz Gore's house
Aerobatics flyers guilty of
supersonic reckless driving?


By Charles Smith
© 2000

The Thunderbirds -- the U.S. Air Force's precision aerobatics squadron of advanced F-16 Falcon jets -- are under investigation after an unexpected and confused departure from the Washington area following the recent Armed Forces Day event at Andrews Air Force Base.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration, Washington air traffic control was thrown into massive confusion as four of the eight F-16 fighter jets separated from their flight and departed the Washington area at low altitude and high speed.

U.S.A.F. Thunderbird F-16 Falcon served as a backdrop for President Clinton during his speech at Andrews. The Thunderbirds later buzzed Vice President Gore's home, violating FAA regulations. Photo by Brenda Smith.

"We're still piecing the story together," said U.S. Air Force Gen. Dave Moody. "We're going to look at our training and see if there is anything we can improve."

FAA controllers noted that they warned one F-16 that it was traveling on a collision course with a Virginia mountain, and two of the other supersonic jets apparently violated air space over Vice President Gore's house. In addition, air traffic controllers at Dulles International Airport ordered an American Airlines passenger jet to make a right turn to avoid the departing Air Force fighter jets.

The unauthorized departure by the Thunderbird team is the latest in a series of incidents involving the Air Force precision flying team over the past two years. In 1999, two F-16s from the Thunderbird squadron "bumped" during practice. The bumping incident grounded the jet team for most of air-show season.

The Thunderbirds once lost four pilots during a training exercise crash.

U.S. military aerobatics teams have been known to disobey flight-control orders in past years. The U.S. Navy's Blue Angels flew over the Eiffel Tower in Paris, against the direct orders of French air traffic control, to capture a publicity photograph of the team in flight over the monument. The incident led to a diplomatic protest by the French government, then led by President Charles De Gaulle.

U.S. Navy F-18 E/F Hornet armed with laser bombs and HARM anti-radar missiles. Photo by Brenda Smith.

The Thunderbirds' F-16 Falcons were on hand at the annual Armed Forces day show held at Andrews Air Force Base earlier this month, and served as a back-drop for a speech by President Clinton. The Andrews air show featured performances from both the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels.

The annual air show is also a display of U.S. military equipment, which this year showcased a wide variety of new U.S. weapons, including the B-2 bomber, the F-18 E/F Hornet, a new Sidewinder air-to-air missile and the new U.S. Navy SEAL team fast-attack boat.

People's Liberation Army officers took great interest in the new U.S. Navy SEAL team's fast-attack boat on display at Andrews AFB. Photo by Brenda Smith.

The F-18 Hornet E/F came equipped with a wide variety of weaponry, including laser-guided smart bombs and HARM missiles designed to destroy ground-based radars. The Hornet was armed with a Sidewinder missile that included advanced features such as thrust vanes to divert rocket engine exhaust during flight.

The Navy SEAL fast-attack boat and its advanced water jet-propulsion system also drew a great deal of interest from foreign military representatives, including Chinese army representatives. The new SEAL boat is also reportedly made of composite materials and designed to evade radar contact, employing stealth features.


New member
It's a distraction guys, to gather sympathy for the poor, poor inventor of the internet.
He needed something to gather attention from the Hogs, and Sheep.

I wonder, just how high in space does one have to go, to NOT be in violation of "air space" regulations. Suppose Pluto, or Saturn has violated his arispace?
How 'bout Uranus :rolleyes: ;)

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
"Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, and destroy their rugged- ness.
Get control of all means of publicity, and thereby get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance."

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, former leader of USSR


New member
Internet inventor is a wuss. Iffen they were supersonic he'd be lookin for all new windows. What fun.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."

Mal H

No matter what, that "display" was not very professional. One F-16 came within 900' of a commercial airliner. I wouldn't want to be on the other end of Gen. Moody's "We're going to look at our training and see if there is anything we can improve."


New member
My guess is that Gore wanted to impress someone so he had the thing planned. $10,000 lunch at my house and you get to see the Thunder Birds!
FAA controllers noted that they warned one F-16 that it was traveling on a collision course with a Virginia mountain.
I can hear the pilot now---“Oh is that the big thing sticking up with trees and rocks?”


New member
I heard through the grapevine (a major civilian airshow pilot) that there were some not so pleasant words spoken between our commander in chief and thunderbird lead at the Andrews show. I thought maybe it was taken out of context at the time but after reading this it kind of makes you go hmmmm.


New member
National Communist Radio (aka NPR) had a thing on this. It sounded like a complete clusterf*ck from the word go. Weather was overcast for their departure. The first 4 took off, joined up in formation, but didn't make the correct turn. Number 1 made a nav error and 2, 3, and 4 just hung onto his wing.

5 and 6 then took off, tried to join up using radar, but couldn't find the other 4 on radar (since they weren't where he expected them to be). Then the controller started giving directions to Thunderbird 6 (he thought), but what he was looking at on his scope was Thunderbird 5. The flight ended up scattered all over VA.

At least it wasn't our precision flying team :/



New member
Couldn't happen at Nellis, no, had to happen with the world watching. Should be some interesting procedure reviews. Just from what has been disclosed here, multiple violations of Air Force and Federal Aviation regulations.

Good thing they didn't have to find a carrier to go home to.


Staff Alumnus
Wasn't a bombing dry run, unless they're planning on using retarded munitions (you *don't* want 6 slick Mk-82s going off right under you). Strafing is a more likely possibility.


New member
LoneStar wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Gore, being a Democrat (read: Socialist) has already violated Uranus.[/quote]

From the movie Hollowpoint, Donald Sutherland speaking (singing): <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>....and then they'll find Uranus
On a mountain on Mars.[/quote]

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center