Maybe I Need a Shrink


New member
I may be losing it, but I have started to think about buying a Springfield or Glock. I have always preferred the more classic semis but I woke up this morning considering something different. I want a 9mm. I am considering a Ruger SR9, a Springfield XD9, or a Glock 17. I looked at all three this morning. Which should I get and why or do I just need to see a shrink?

Baba Louie

New member
Go ahead. Get it off your chest. Tell us how you feel about each... :D

Croatian, Austrian or American... nice to have choices isn't it?

(this isn't a 9mm v something else thread is it? ;))

Hard to go wrong with any one of the three really. Which feels best and points most naturally when in hand? Head that direction I'd opine.

Or... ask your shrink his/her paid opinion. :D
Go ahead. Get it off your chest. Tell us how you feel about each...

Croatian, Austrian or American... nice to have choices isn't it?

(this isn't a 9mm v something else thread is it? )

Hard to go wrong with any one of the three really. Which feels best and points most naturally when in hand? Head that direction I'd opine.

Or... ask your shrink his/her paid opinion.

(to the OP)...And how did that make you feel?

My next purchase is likely to be a SR9c. I don't know if that helps but I really don't care much.

(to the OP)...And how did THAT make you feel?

Can I get paid now?:D


New member
I've shot all three. I own the SR9C and and two XDMs but not in a 9mm. the only reason I chose the SR9 over another springfield was because I wanted to diversify my collection a bit. I would heavily recommend the XD with the SR9 a close second. reliable, accurate, fun to shoot and comfortable. the glock is reliable and accurate but just not comfortable for many shooters.
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New member
I've owned XDs and own lots of Glocks (so many I may need to see a shrink:confused:). I've never owned the Ruger because I don't like all the warning labels but I've shot it a good bit and it's a solid gun. My XDs weren't reliable enough for me but mine were the early models and I understand they've solved/improved that issue in the past few years...
My vote is for the G17. It's simply a fantastic gun; accurate, reliable, durable, easy to clean/maintain, and freakishly durable. But, you probably won't go wrong either way.

My review of the G17s I own:


New member
Plastic...ugh. Why not something in all metal?

Boeing latest Airplane the 787 is plastic and its one sweet machine.

Most aircraft have significant amount of plastic in them (more accurately called composites)

Its just another material. If done right it is really good, if done wrong it junk.


New member
chris in va

Plastic...ugh. Why not something in all metal?

Remember when the same applied to cars? The bumper actually could resist a mild collision absent any damage? Nowadays you touch the bumper and it's literally $1k incident.

That being said, while I have a real affinity for both my 92 and 1911, alloy guns have come a long way and are just as reliable IMHO. Feel wise, however, there's no comparison between metal and plastic.



New member
I have a Springfield Armory XD40 Subcompact for my CCW. In that usage I prefer the additional 1911 style grip safety. I have a Glock 20 in 10MM. Mostly as a range blaster, and I mean BLASTER!. Also possible hunting backup.
While neither are in 9MM as you indicate in the OP, They are both great guns. Your best choice is whatever fits you the best, and what you can shoot the best.
BTW. Probably gonna add a Glock 17 to the group 'cause it's the one that started it all!


New member
Shoot them all first, then pick the one you like. May I reccomend a Glock G19? I like the intermediate size Glocks better.

Paul K

New member
I'm a hardcore HK guy, but even I have felt the lure of the Glock 21. There is just something about it...


New member
Just go get a Glock 19/17 that way you can say you have a Glock.

I've got a Glock 19 and I always take my camera along when I take it to the range. That way if it ever malfunctions, or Ka-booms I can take pics and start a great thread. :D Problem is I've had the ugly thing for 10+ years and I'm starting to think it may never do it. :( :)


New member
OP Still Confused

All these opinions and info and I'm still confused on what I want. I have often made jokes about plastic guns. "I'd buy one but I can't figure out where to put the water in." Thought I wanted a CZ but the grip felt wrong. I am kind of leaning toward the SR9 because it has a little more classic look than the others , but not much. I read and hear so much positive about them all, but very little negative about any. Looking at pictures, the SR9 looks much better to me, but in hand it is a three way toss up. I actually need to find a shop that has all three to compare side by side. Going to DFW area in a few days, maybe Cabela's has all in stock. I need to go there anyway for bullets. Thanks for the input.
Going to DFW area in a few days, maybe Cabela's has all in stock. I need to go there anyway for bullets. Thanks for the input.

Academy has all 3 in stock usually. Cabelas should too but their gun counter has too many "shoppers" and not enough employees so the wait time to hold them could be a little long...