Maybe a bummer here


New member
Well I was priming the 44 Special cases , using the RCBS hand primer with the APS strips, my loaded primers, seems that 5 got stuck a tad sideways as cases kept wanting to not stand up straight.

Any good on these 5 at the end?



Looks like really pushed in but not that bad.

Thanks again.



New member
I'll let others address whether the primers are okay or not, but will say that the RCBS hand primer comes with both small and large primer rods. It looks like you're using the small primer rod for large primers.


They will fire just fine. I have that happen to me with my RCBS tray type hand primer. I have tactile insensitivity so I can not always feel that the primer is seated so when I squeeze down more the rod dimples the primer.

If you have a firearm with a short stroking firing pin then you may have problems but I haven't yet.......


New member
Thanks all.
And higgite you hit it I wondered what the heck that bag was in the box, thing is old , and well no instructions.

A big help that was.



New member
gunny12: (since the pics were taken) Did you re-mash them with the large primer rod?

If not, you should. They should go off just fine.
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New member
Yeah, however you do it is fine. But they should be (re)pressed down straight n flat before moving on with the load process.