May We Never Forget History's Lessons


New member
I came across this quote and when I saw who said it got a real sick feeling.
Let's never forget the lessons that history teaches us.

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future". :barf: :mad:
-Adolph Hitler 1935:barf:

It seems to me that we have heard this propoganda more recently!
"From My Cold Dead Hands"


New member
One problem with Adolph Hitler was that most of the people supported him and practically worshipped him. Another problem was that he had a lot of people killed. Things often work out that way with a pure dictatorship. All dictators have to have the support of a lot of the population, though not necessarily a majority. Ironically, it works that way in a democracy, too, most of the time.

The real problems involve what happens to the minority, who sometimes are in the majority, if you follow me. This also happens in democracies, but I can't think of any in which an attempt was made to eliminate a complete class of the population.


New member
Gun Control

Is always about governments fear of the people and usually minoritys or the lesser classes who need to be kept in their place. Hitler's legacy is the extreme example even though it's been done in many many third world countries to the same degree. But because these folks are of a darker tone... it did not effect us as much and the cry was/is not as loud.

Average men will do many things, often bad, to insure there is food on the table for their familes and a roof over their heads. Even to follow orders that are repugnant and evil.


New member
I used that as my sig line a while ago on THR.
One of the members PM'd me with a link that showed that that particular quote was never made by Adolph


New member
Maybe not but the idea is true all goverments when they get in power quickly realise the only way to do all they want, is to have total control and know everything about you. That what we have to resist. Here in Uk they have gotten a long way down that road and people are generally too daft to see it, until its too late of course!


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New member
Quote smote....Governments killed 150 million people in the 20th. XX. Not individuals. Want peace abolish governments.;)


New member
There is a movie with Walter Matthau in a major role-"Fail Safe'?-haven't seen it in 30 years. Anyhow, his character says "how far do you think Hitler
would have gotten if every Jew he went after had a gun in his hand?"

Number 6

Bogus Hitler quotes aside

(see also BS quotes about Yamamoto not wanting to invade the US because of the Second Amendment, Ollie North warning Al Gore about bin Laden, George Orwell extolling rough men in the night, etc.), I doubt that the movie is "Fail Safe."

I'm guessing it's "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three." Any movie buffs that can disprove/corroborate or otherwise enlighten?


New member
Re Hitler quote

Sorry, I now realize the quote is bogus; but, the idea it conveys should speak volumes to us as gun owners. Think UK and many others.


historically what you are saying doesnt make sense...even if every Jew in europe had of had a firearm I dont think it wouldve made much of a difference. Case in point is when the Jews did arm themselves in teh Warsaw ghetto, they sent in an entire SS armoured regiment, and levelled the whole ghetto. Frankly hanguns in the hands of the untrained masses are ineffective against an organized and capable military assault. Things just arent the simplistic.


New member
agreed. the jews were to compliant. they walked into the trains, ovens and chambers like sheep. hard to believe they were so passive. i would rather get shot in the back running for the fence then simply nodding and stepping into the chamber.

think about it. would any of you do something so insane without putting up a fight. :confused:


New member
The only real resistance he faced was in the Warsaw ghettos from people armed with substandard personal firearms.

Remember that the next time some anti asks you what you expect to do with your little gun against a trained formal army with tanks planes and nukes