May have some extra money soon!


New member
I am relatively new to hand guns and am looking for a small framed semi for a daily carry. I have had a few in the past but I have never been into them to much.

If you could post a pic and say why you like it, it would help me a lot.
Also what should I look for in a small frame semi.

My last semi was a Tarus PT24/7 in 40. I did not mind shooting it but it had fixed sights and was larger that what I want to try and conceal.
Thanks for your advise.


New member
My 2 cents worth,,,

Do get some feedback from the good people here,,,
But by all means put the gun in your hands.

One thing I have found out about small semi-autos,,,
The smaller the pistol, the more important personal fit becomes.

Now some here may call me crazy,,,
but large frame pistols are more forgiving in my eyes.

I like some large frames better than others,,,
But none have actually hurt my hand.

I think they are simply more forgiving in their fit,,,
Lots of surface to take up impact of recoil.

The small guns must fit your individual grip perfectly,,,
Or they feel somewhat strange to hold,,,
And hurt a lot to shoot.

I love the look and style of a Walther PPK,,,
I want to carry one so very badly,,,
But it hurts me to shoot it.

The one that fits me perfectly is a Springfield EMP,,,
I'm saving my nickels and dimes for one,,,
Unfortunately that's a lot of dimes.

I finally found someone who owns one,,,
He has let me shoot it quite a bit.

I know that it fits my hand perfectly,,,
I know this because there is no pain when I shoot it.

My advise to you in choosing a smaller pistol,,,
Is to definitely shoot it before you buy it.

I hope this helps,,,



New member
I like the M&P series by Smith and Wesson, for their removable backstraps. Glocks are also dead reliable, provided you are comfortable with how they fit your hand.

Welcome to TFL.:)


New member
I don't know how big or small your hands are, but mine are small. I really like a Glock 23. It is extremely reliable, has stopping power and you get a lot for your $$$.


New member
I have been CCWing with a sigp232 lately. I use to use an HK usp c in 40s&w, a sig p239 9mm and a kahr cw9 and a few others but the 232 is what I've ended up with. I just got a Sig238 but haven’t shot it yet so I won’t carry it until I know it works. Then it will end up being my BUG to the 232.


New member
Be sure to check out the Kahr CW series. You can get 9mm, .40, and .45 in these pistols and they are a great value for the money. I recently got a CW9 and it is light, very accurate and easy to conceal without being "too little". You can wrap your whole hand around the grip without the hanging pinky as with many compact models. It isn't top heavy like so many of the others.

I don't work for Kahr, I just like their pistols.


New member
All the guns I mentioned above were good carry guns for me, I still carry them from time to time. Why I ended up with the sig232 is. Over the kahr I like to have a gun with a hammer. Nothing wrong with the Kahr just my preference. The sig 239 and the HK sure don't seem to be the same size but if you lay them side by side they are very close in every dimension. The HK holds more rounds though even in a bigger caliber. The sig 232 over 239 I just really like the feel and the way the 232 shoots for me. The 232 fits in my front pocket pretty easily also. Some people get slide bit from the 232. It gets me every once in a while.

chris in va

New member
My latest and greatest. Kahr K9, 'special edition'.

Everyone is different, you'll just have to go rent a few at the range and go fondle everything that strikes your fancy at gun shows/stores. I happen to like all-metal guns, the K9 is steel and really soaks up what recoil the 9mm does have. You also may want to look at the Kahr CW9/P9 series in polymer.

Big Bill

New member
Kel Tec PF9 if you can find one. Very reliable, good firepower, lightweight, accurate, etc., etc.



New member
Thanks for the links Bill that gave me some good info with several to compare. We only have one indoor gun range in our area that I know about and I think I will go there in the morning to see what they have to shoot. I really would like to shoot before I buy.


New member
Well so far the XD is leading the charge after a short visit to the gun shop. After fondling a few I don't think I like the sub compact. I think I still want to hold out on adjustable sights though. Any one have any advise on the sights, should I order one with or just buy the one with fixed? Do they hit pretty much where you point them?

Oh any advise an if I should spend the extra dough and get the XDM or just the XD if I get one?