May be Moving to Il. Good Idea w/r/t Guns?


New member
I am considering a move to a new job in the suburbs of Chicago. I have heard this state refered to in similar terms as CA when it comes to guns laws, CCW etc. How bad is it? I plan to live as far out from the city as I can. The job is in Burr Ridge area on the SW side of Chicago..
How difficult is it to get/transfer/ retain a CPL in IL. What registrations requirements are in place? Are there "sufdficient" places to shoot recreationally and competively(Trap, Skeet, IDPA, etc.)
All the usual questions.



New member
no job is worth moving there.......keep the one you have, go to school, pick up a part time job or something for extra not move to ILL!!!!!


New member
If you move there you will be behind enemy lines. Be a good "sapper-behind-the-ranks" and help show those mis-guided Illinoisan's that they're surrounded by a place called America. Spread the NRA word brother! Godspeed.


New member
Just go ahead and toss that CPL in the nearest shredder before you leave. IL does not allow concealed carry, period. You'll be registered and taxed and regulated out of gun ownership before you are unpacked. You should wait until the court cases revolving around the Heller decision that were filed in IL are resolved before considering moving if you value your gun rights.

JP Sarte

New member
No amount of money. No perk. No benefit. Nothing could be attractive enough for me to even go near the Illinois state line let alone live there. Good luck on that one.



New member
You would be FAR better off considering living in Indiana and driving a bit farther. While IL doesn't have many bans on types of guns (they have no statewide AWB), but concealed carry is a long way out for the residents there. You will need a special ID card to purchase firearms or ammo (the infamous Firearm Owner Identification), which can be fiddled with based on the attitudes of the powers that be (if the IL State Police want to take their time issuing them, you can't do anything about it).

IL is a great state that seems to get continually run by criminals.

Rifleman 173

New member
Do NOT accept ANY job in Illinois. It is not worth the hassle to move to Illinois. I know because I live there and am hoping to escape from here in a few years. Chicago is ruining the whole state with its socialist agenda, corruption and runt politicians. It's to the point that you need to get a Firearms Owner's Identification Card to own or buy ammo here. The only other place that has such a rule is Communist Cuba!!! Then there is the extremely high cost of commodities like food, water, gas, gasoline and so on. Everything here is taxed to include using the sewers. Your sewer usage is based off of your water usage in many towns, cities and villages in Illinois. If you are making say $100,000.00 in some other state you will need to triple that to live the same way in Illinois. I kid you not. Then you have the severe and crummy weather here. There are 3 major seasons here: hot, cold and wet in between. Bitter cold and deep snows in the winter. Searing hot in the summer. Then you have rain, rain and more rain in the fall and so-called spring. The only thing holding most homes together in Illinois is the mold from all the wet weather. I can't wait to get out of this crime-ridden, lowlife infested place. It is getting so bad, major companies have started moving OUT of Illinois and they are not rebuilding here. At one time where I live we had 6 Hardee's restaurants. Now we have only 2 left. We used to have 10 McDonald's and now we have 6 left. We used to have 3 K-marts now we have only 1 of them. We don't have any Texaco gas stations left at all. We only have 2 Phillips stations out of what was once 8 of them. Between state and corporate taxes, most businesses are fleeing Illinois in a stampede. No, it is not worth it to come here at all. California and New York are both about be hit with business flight outwards too. It reaches a point where it costs too much to do business in these corrupt socialist states and it begins to show. I seriously expect that if I ever want a decent hamburger in New York, California or Illinois, that I will have to drive to a neighboring state to get one. And that is a sad commentary on failed Democrat/liberal/socialist policies and government corruption.


New member
i lived in ill 35 years ago. if i took a job there my boss would have to buy me a second home in wisconsin and a new suv to go there every weekend. bobn


New member
John is right on that one. I've lived north and south of the border in Illinois. The laws are still the same, but the attitudes are different. Hopefully Blegovomit gets the boot


New member
It's not nearly that bad here. Yeah, you can't carry a gun on you everywhere, but as long as you are not in Cook county, or Peoria county you should be ok. Taxes and such are not so high elsewhere in the state.

but if you want fairness, and legislature that makes sense, I'd suggest living elsewhere. I like the randomness and chaos of living here, and its 10 - 13% sales tax ... and the recent BOTTLED WATER TAX in chicago.


I gotta get out.


New member
I guess that I have just been used to it having grown up here. The farther you get from Chicago the better. No CC. I have lived within an hour south of your new jobs location and have has no problems shooting on my property. Very expensive and the traffic is out of control. Saving up now and talking the wife into getting the hell out of this state.


New member
I live in south CROOK county and have a Friend that is a state Rep and I can NOT stand it here:eek::mad: I moved here from Michigan and the gun laws are horrible in all ways. Oh how I wish I had stayed home in Mich. I have been stuck here for over 25 years.:barf::barf::eek:

Just a Loud word to the wise.

I want out!

rant off.
IL is bad but outside of the city not that bad. If you dont have a felony youcan get a FOID card it costs $5 and will be mailed to you inside of 60 days. if your going to be working in :barf:chicago:barf: but like guns might I sugest moving to Harvard (look it up housing is pretty cheap)and taking the metra train into the city. The major problem with IL is lack of concealed carry but we ARE working on that:). just make sure to maintain your out of state permit for when you back to visit.


New member
Burr Ridge ain't far from my old hood. It's a good area, I think at least part of it in DuPage County (it straddles County Line Road if memory serves) - just stay the heck away from Cook if you must go. Still, I'm glad to be out of there. One county ruins a pretty good state.

Harry Callahan

New member
BAD idea

Dude, believe me, you DON'T want to live here. They tax you to death here in Crook county, there is construction CONSTANTLY, so much that the official Illinois slogan is "EXPECT DELAYS". Don't forget we have possibly the most anti gun governor(Blagojevich)and the most anti gun city mayor(Daley)and the Democratic machine which ensures nothing will change until the people of Illinois and Chicago pull their heads out of their rear ends and vote these POS out. There has to be better options out there for you. I wish I could leave but my family is too established. Maybe when my kids are grown I can get out of this hell.:(


New member
Don't go!

I grew up in IL. I now live behind the lines in occupied MA. Surprisingly, here in MA I can carry concealed (LTC Class A). There are no concealed carry permits issued in IL.

While I still have relatives in IL, I avoid going there and would never move back; IL has terrible gun laws and the city and state governments are incredibly corrupt.


New member
ok this is just some things i was told about from a friend that came back from illinois 7yrs ago.he had to buy tickets to a raffle to hunt deer with a pistol for a day, have to register all guns with your sheriffs department or you get charged for illegal guns,and when you register them,they post it in the newspaper and your full name.this gives people a chance to call the police and object about you having guns before they decide to allow also lets burglers know where they can steel your guns from when your not carry permits in that i said,its just what a friend told me.he also changed alot during his couple yrs there and is now being umm rehabilitated.his bro abandonned his family to come back here for 6 months and was planniong on a devorce rather than move back to ill but he caved in and went back in the end and is making twice what he'll ever make here.he can have it lol.if i'm wrong about the laws yell at my friend,not me lol


New member
Not trying to hijack a post, but do have a question relevant to this topic. I will be driving into Illinois this weekend, I have checked my route and my cwp will cover me in all states I am traveling through except Illinois. I would like to carry for the majority of this trip so my question is.. Is there a simple legal way for me to have my gun in my car in Illinois? Obviously I will not carry it, but from what I've read so far it looks like unloaded locked in the glove box would still be illegal without some sort of FOID card???? I read something about unloaded, dissasembled and locked in a box but I am not even sure if that is correct.

Thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to clear this up for me.