May be a stupid question

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You all think that there is any chance that the assault weapons ban this time will not effect hi-cap pistol mags? Any way we could conceed "assault weapons" and still maintain our hi-cap pistols? I think that that is the part of the AWB that I dread them most, the standard 10 rd pistol mags returning.


New member
Any way we could conceed "assault weapons" and still maintain our hi-cap pistols?
Now my kindergarten teacher taught me the only stupid question is the one not asked. This then is a question better not asked.

I would like to think the "Ban All Guns" or BAG, lobby would be content on stopping at ARs. I personally do not own one and do not have a need for one. But if I sacrifice them to the BAG Gods, then when their thirst is satisfied, they will be back for more. The line in the sand will keep moving until there is no sand left. This is why the NRA and the Gun Rights Advocates seem like flaming loons to me. They know something I don't

And I think thrgunsmith put it about as succinctly as possible (quoting a patriot): "We should all hang together or we shall hang separately"

So we need to stop the wishful speculating and join the fight. Heck, it sure is fun watching them run and duck for cover.

Jim Watson

New member
They already know they can pass a ten round limit, why should they settle for less (or more, really) this time? Brady II, proposed in the late 1990s, reduced legal magazine capacity to six. Good luck and write your Representative and Senator.

By the way, you are giving in to them just by using the term "standard 10 rd pistol mags" and "hi cap." High capacity is standard, ten round is restricted.
I received the responses that I expected. I didn't properly represent my stance and should have just let this go and wait and see. I do not want to conceed "assault" weapons which I also own. My OP was an attempt so see if there was a way that we can salvage whatever we can get. Do not feel a need to respond, this post should prob. die until it is more relevant.


New member
Well the prudent person would see about aquiring all the mags he thinks he can reasonably use for now. Just in case, they aren't gonna go bad if it turns out to not be a problem anyway. Don't go hoggin them and start following the speculators who might appear and artificially increase prices. Just make sure you got enough. Like if your pistol came with two mags, get a couple more as spares, don't bother buying 10 unless you are a range rat that needs that many to spend a whole day going thru many boxes of ammo. If you have just one mag you will get caught short for sure. Two is min. and 4 is better. Prices as they are prohibit most of us from having tons of spares for a wide variety of guns anyway.

El Paso Joe

New member
A little history...

2A and the RKBA have their roots in the English Common Law - which was known to our founding fathers.

It began in mid 12th century in the reign of Henry II (you might remember him from the role played by Peter O'Toole in Becket and Lion in Winter). Henry, to facilitate the raising of armies cost effectively enacted the Assize of Arms which required able bodied men to keep arms they could bear (and form a well regulated militia). Later, his youngest son John (Lackland) became king and was compelled to sign the Magna Carta and affirm the standing of common law - and hence the Assize of Arms.

So what? There is a National Rifle Association in the UK which predates ours by a decade or so - and in spite of their efforts, which included placation (well, we will only have to give a little now and then we will be ok), resulted in the current state of arms control in the UK. Which is being extended to pocket knives with blades longer than some arbitrary length (which I do not remember off hand) to stem the rising tide of knife violence...

If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. And there are NO stupid questions. In my (not so) humble opinion...

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Good commentary, but strictly political, and therefore off topic in the General Discussion forum (see here).

In fact, until the L&CR opens to the general membership (in January), it is off topic anywher on TFL. Even then, political discussion will be restricted to actual issues and not fears of what may happen.

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