Mauser C96 project


New member
Yes, I'm toying with more ideas then you can shake 3 sticks at.

The latest plan would be building a C96 clone in .22 LR or magnum.
Where could I find dimensioned drawings of a C96 to base my design off of?
More importantly, what are the legal issues? Do I have to submit a working prototype to the ATF? I'm only planning on building one for myself, IF it ever gets that far.
Moving to L&P. BTW, I would considered a rimless cartridge. Less feeding problems and less stack-up problems with the magazine.


As long as the gun violates no configuration laws in your state, and isn't a machine gun, you don't have to seek anyone's permission.

A heavy gun with a removable mag in front of the magwell might be a problem in some places, but if the mag well is fixed, no problem.

Hunter Rose

New member
I would MUCH rather see the "Super Box-Cannon": Broomy chambered in .44AMP or .50AE... :evil:

The beauty of that platform is, you could theoretically chamber it in ANYTHING (.308, anyone?)


New member
If you find dimensioned drawings, do tell me/send them to me. I've been looking to make one as well, though in a different caliber than you are.


New member
Thanks for the input so far.

Hunter, why not .50 BMG :D Only 2 shots though, cartridge size and only 2 wrists to shatter.

I wanted .22 because it would be a fun gun. And as long as I make sure all the rims are in front of the previous cartridge while loading there shouldn't be any feed issues.

Finding anything remotely technical on a C96 is impossible.

Anybody got machinist's drawings or blue prints on an Astra 900??

Hunter Rose

New member
I actually got interested in the C96 platform while playing Cyberpunk. Had the stats for the broomy in .50bmg: required a SERIOUS amount of reenforcement of the lower portion of the weapon...

I think .44AMP would be a good chambering. Then again, I LIKE the .44AMP...