Mateba vent...


New member
So 3rd outing with it today, second since installing the .38 spring.

I'd estimate ~250 rounds through it.

I have yet to go through 6 properly cycled rounds.

Besides S&B and AE .357 Mag, I tried UMC, S&B and AE .38. No particular difference on the ammo.

Did however learn that the "lock-up" situations reported earlier are easily handled by manually "racking" the barrel all the way back. Still a weird thing to do to a revolver.

The other lock-ups related to re-assembly remain a mystery.

The adjustable front sight is way left and has no visible way for a severe adjustment. The undulating side screw moves it exactly 0% while it travels.

Accuracy is worthless (3" @ 7yds), but I assume that is because my attention is in whether the gun will fire, and if so, whether it will be locked up or ready to fire.

But no light primer strikes since the first outing, so maybe something is loosening up.

Regardless of sight issues, once I conquer the above I'll have consistent groups somehwere in the paper, then work off that.

On the bright side, this gun has super-human recoil absorbtion, nice SA and looks incredibly cool. Good potential all around.

Hoping I don't need to ship it back across the Atlantic (that seems like an uphill battle with too many players!).

Else if I hear that this is all the gun has to offer then fine, I'll enjoy it as such. And wear it on a chain at a singles bar, that good a conversation piece (just kidding).

Note that I have only applied a bit of break free CLP to the slide and action, didn't even know what to think about that yellow toothpaste-like heavy grease that the factory put there.


Moderator Emeritus

Mine wasn't very heavily lubed from the factory, and hasn't had any cycling problems; it also went back together without hanging up in any way (once I figgered out the whole desmo thingummy).

I haven't tried the .38 spring yet, nor have I fiddled with the front sight, though.

Did yours come with ambi cylinder release levers?


New member
Hi Tamara,

>>Did yours come with ambi cylinder release levers?

Funny, I asked you exactly that when I first saw your Mateba pic.

There was an "optional" (description on the plastic bag) left-sided cylinder release knob in a bag, together with the other weird instruments and the .38 spring.

I installed it, so now I have "ambi" cylinder release levers, for whatever that is worth.

And TFL has documented your "smooth" desmo re-assembly adventure so don't try to pull that one on me so non-chalantly ;)

Of course you as a mod could obliterate the record. :D

But does yours have any cycling issues at all? How many rounds so far?

Any relative accuracy comments so far or just too new?

Again, I have zero problems being told I bought an italian curio that can be shot every so often.

Just that I'd hate to miss a factory repair period because I waited too long.


Moderator Emeritus
A few hunnert rounds with no issues other than sticky cases with Blazer .357's.

Accuracy's good (although except for some casual plinking @ 50 yards, all of my shooting has been at 7-15 yards, indoors).

What I meant about the reassembly was that after I figgered out how to get the dang thing back together again (thanks to your instructions!) it didn't hang up or misbehave in any way. :cool: