Mateba Model 6 Unica


New member
Alright. Who's got one? A friend and I are seriously debating purchasing one of these unique firearms sometime in the near future. We both want the stainless model, and we both want the 8" barrel. Now, here's my question.

What caliber should we get? For those who do not know, our options are .357 mag., .44 mag., and .454 casual. I know that the large sight rail, slide action, and firing from the bottom chamber is suppose to help reduce felt recoil; and if that isn't enough, you can attach the included compensator. For those who have one, just how much does it actually reduce the felt recoil? I read a review somewhere once that a guy said his .357 felt like shooting a .380.

After some debating, we figured if we were going to get a gun as big as the Mateba, we might as well go with the biggest caliber. However, we also realized that shooting .357 out of it would be cheaper. We want it primarily for it's collectability, coolness factor, and rarity (we'd probably be the only two people in our city [maybe state] to have one), although I've considered using it to hunt since I heard that they are (or could be) "tack drivers".

Suggestions? Help please?


New member
I haven't heard about them in .454 so I would get that one. If you want it for uniqueness then get the one less seen. Since I have a .454 my .44 mag doesn't get out as much, but it is still nice. .454 costs more than the others ammo wise, but if you reload it's no big deal. The Hornady .454 300g JHP is a tackdriver in my Ruger SRH. We're talking 1" groups at 20 yards open sighted offhand. Is the purchase of a Mateba practical? If not, why does the ammo choice have to be prectical?


New member
gary eastridge @ R&G Firearms has one, but it's currently marked "sale pending" on their website


New member
which Mateba

I have the 44 mag Mateba with brake, recoil is quite manageable, even when it doubles .
by far the more rare one would be the 454, followed by the 44. The 357 came out first so they are the more common ones.


New member
the gun fires two shots

with one S/A pull of the trigger, it firs two rounds. quite an experience with hot 44 mag loads