Match barrels more accurate?


New member
Are aftermarket barrels more accurate than standard barrels? I was shooting my Colt Gold Cup next to my Para-Ord P13.45, and my Colt was much more accurate. Granted, the Colt has an extra 3/4 inch barrel and sight radius, and a better trigger, but would an aftermarket barrel make much of a difference in accuracy?

Tom B

New member
Yes assuming its a "match grade" aftermarket barrel. For 1911 try the Kart barrel. For others the KKM or Bar Sto.


New member
Yes and no. A well made and properly fitted factory barrel can be just as accurate as a match grade barrel. A poorly fitted match grade barrel will be no better than a poorly fitted factory barrel. In order to get the most out of the barrel, you really need good sights and a great trigger pull. Para sights are pretty good, but get a trigger job before having a new barrel fitted.


New member
It would probably make a difference if you are a 50 yard bullseye shooter but most of the misses I see at the range are due to the shooter, not the gun.


New member
True, most of the misses are due to the shooter and not the gun, but we arn't talking about misses. We are talking about the fine line between decent accuracy and outstanding accuracy.
For many years, I didn't buy into the whole modified or "custom" gun concept. I figured that all my guns shoot better than I do, so I really couldn't appreciate the difference these modificaitons make. That was until I shot my first truely "custom" gun. Since that time I have fired many "custom" guns and realize that it does in fact make almost any shooter, a better shooter. I once read an article in the Beeman airgun catalog about why you should use "good" air rifle pellets. The logic made a lot of sense to me. Basically it goes like this. Lets say you took your handgun and shot it in a machine rest to find out it's ultimate potential accuracy using that particular load. Then you actually fire that same load offhand to see how well you can shoot individually; how much error is introduced by the human factor. The groups you can shoot offhand are a combination of human error, added on to the potential accuracy of the gun. So let's say that the gun will shoot a 2" group from the machine rest and you can shoot a 5" group offhand. If you can cut the machine rest group to 1", this will also translate to an improvement to a 4" group offhand. Since your offhand accuracy is a product of both intrinsic accuracy plus the human error factor, you offhand accuracy can be improved by improving either one of the two factors. One is mechanical and one is human. The machanical can usually be readily improved by things like having a fitted match barrel (and good sights, and good triggers, good frame/slide fit, accurate ammunition.............. each one is a piece to the accuracy puzzle and all add up to improve the potential or actual accuracy of that particular gun). We are all constantly trying to improve the human factor.
Having a match barrel fitted is no big deal. I believe Bar-Sto charges $15.


New member
A "Match" barrel? Or a "Matched" barrel?

I (as well as any other manufacturer) will sell you a "match" barrel.

As was already mentioned - a fitted barrel & bushing ........

I agree with IDPA Guy.



New member
As mentioned above,

The most important thing in barrel accuracy is how it locks up with the slide every time. A barrel that is fitted correctly really improves the accuracy. I dont believe that most people would notice the difference until the target goes out past 25 yards.


New member
For the most part, YES the shooter up to shooting up to the quality of the barrel and the fitting of it?

In many cases, the shooter believes that by merely having a match barrel "put" into his/her pistol that something magical will take place.

NOT SO. Sorry but you have to be up to the task as well as your equipment. ;)

I can think of several guys that had Bar-Sto barrels fitted to a variety of pistols but could shoot no better after the barrel change than they could before. :D

I dont believe that most people would notice the difference until the target goes out past 25 yards.

Past 25yds. is where many shooters have their major problems and no barrel will make them go away.


As with any firearm, the raw accuracy potential of the barrel is not realized unless it is properly fitted and installed.

In most autopistols, the independent motion of the barrel and sights, poor/heavy triggers and ammo variations generally make the raw accuracy potential of the barrel a minor factor in the overall accuracy of the system.

To state it another way.

If the trigger is good, the shooter is good, the ammo is good, the slide to frame, barrel to frame and barrel to slide fits are good and the design of the pistol is such that all parts come to rest in consistent alignment with each other when the pistol chambers a round then a match barrel may noticeably improve accuracy.