Match Ammo v. Regular Rifle Ammo - What's the Difference?


New member
Other then price, are there any major differences between match and regular rifle ammo? I've got a .308 Rem 700 PSS and want to feed it decent ammo. I don't reload, so that's not an option right now. Thanks.


New member

It depends on the brand, but the most common differences between standard ammo and match grade is the use of a "match grade" bullet and more care and consistency in charge weights. There may also be more care taken to get cases with constant concentricity and runout control during bullet seating.

Each little improvement made in loading the ammo and in choosing the components makes for improved accuracy.


3 gun

New member
With match ammo the biggest concern is QA. Bullets are weighted to the .1 gr, lots of powder and brass are not mixed, and production is done on a much slower pace. Also the bullets used are picked because of shape, how well they fly straight, not how they transfer energy to the target. They only have to make a hole.

Regular loads (if you mean for hunting) are held to a high standard of QA but not as high as match ammo. Bullets and loads are matched for energy transfer. They have to be on target and then take the target down cleanly. Bullet styles and weight are picked based and the animal to be hunted.

Regular loads like FMJ are held to the lowest standard of QA. Loads are picked to be safe, consistent and cost effective to allow you to afford plenty of practice.

Lots of gray areas left untouched in this answer, but it should give you an idea of the reasons and major differences between the different loads you can use.