Massive voter fraud investigation...


No, not in LA, NYC or South Dakota.

"A large-scale federal and state investigation into voter registration fraud in six South Dakota counties is under way, state Attorney General Mark Barnett said Thursday." -- Denise Ross, Rapid City Journal, Oct. 11, 2002

I could give you a choice of which major party is involved, but why would you need it?
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New member
I'm soooo impressed with Justice going after voter fraud . . . .in SD.

How 'bout voter fraud in Mossouri or Calif, or Florida or Arkansas or New Mexico or Illinois?

We are witness to the destruction of the democratic electrion process. So far no outrage spotted.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Baby steps, Waitone, baby steps. Besides, in South Dakota they appear to have been particularly inept about it, and actually left conclusive evidence. Most places, you may know as a practical matter that it's happening, but proving in court who did it is quite another matter. Has something to do with the fraud being committed by the elections officials themselves; This is one henhouse the foxes don't just guard, but designed, built, and keep the inventory for.


New member
I thought you were going to talk about the voter fraud in New Jersey! You see, if your party is losing just replace him with a well known named person. You even have the blessing of the State Supreme Court! ...................and of course I don't have to name that major party either! :mad:


New member
U.S., I knew that was the wrong story as I read the same story with same link on Drudge and said WTH?
Thanks for finding the right one. Those dam Dems. Just heard the interview with author of election type book that verifies the Bob (B-1) Dornan was cheated out of his seat. Our guys like him and Ashcroft just lie down and take it while the squealing liars and cheats raise holy hell.

Brett Bellmore

New member
I've been a member of the LP since the late '70s, and have a great deal of contempt for the GOP, but I must agree: In this country at least, ballot fraud is mainly a Democratic party thing.

Just watch the way they react when anybody proposes doing ANYTHING that might make rigging elections more difficult: Purging voter rolls, requiring ID to vote, restricting absentee ballots... Even requiring that you prove you're a citizen the first time you register! The Democratic party does a lot of ballot box stuffing, and even the Democrats who wouldn't personally resort to such crimes know it in their hearts, and are determined to make sure it remains an option.

Look at the returns from the Democratic party controlled inner city precincts some time; Even commie dictators made sure their show elections were a little less one-sided than THAT. :rolleyes:


New member
The early major voter frauds I remember involved Emperor DICK Daley The First of the '60's Chikago, ILL....

"....Vote Early, Vote Often........"

Very little has changed in the Peoples Republik of Chikago, ILL, except now you have Emperor DICK Daley, Junior