Massachusetts needs your help! Rally on Lexington Battle Green!


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As the title says. Pro Gun Rally on Lexington Battle Green in Massachusetts on Friday, April 19th from Noon to 4pm.

April 19th represents the day The Shot Heard Round the World was fired and started the Revolution. Mass gun owners are taking a stand and rallying where it all started and we need your help.

How you ask? We need people to attend and a lot of them.

This is the third major rally for Mass gun owners. Two were held in Boston at the Statehouse with several thousand people attending. As typical this was ignored by the media. This time though we have media attention and a threat of a counter rally by "Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America."

Because of this attention we need pro gun supporters to show up en-mass to show we stand strong. If you live in New England or even NY/NJ and can come out and support us we'd be more then willing to return the favor.

There are also some very exceptional speakers lined up to speak.

Here are some links to the event for people to look over.
