Massachusetts, ammo components?


New member
Recently I stumbled on a story where a 10 year old boy in Winchendon, Massachusetts was suspended from school. His crime? On Memorial Day he accepted a fired case that came from the Honor Guard salute, and then took it to school.

From this I learned (this is incredible to me so please correct me if I am wrong) that mere possession of ammunition components is illegal in Massachusetts unless you have a license for a firearm of the same caliber. Which leads to my questions: What does Massachusetts consider possession of a case? If I am driving through and unknowingly have an empty case in my car, is that illegal? How about if someone bought a farm and an empty shotgun shell was found on his property from a hunter decades ago?


New member
Do you have a link to the story?

I'm wondering if the kid violated a school policy rather than a state law. OTOH I'm only fleetingly familiar with MA state law regarding firearms.


New member
Here is a link to the story. The suspension was over school policy, not because it was against the law. I can't find the particular article where I read it, but it brought up the Massachusetts law and the fact that it specifies components. Looking in to that a little is what lead to the question.


New member
You can not have even a spent shell without an FID card or License.
We are hoping this will all go away when cases wind their way through the courts. Because spent shells are so very dangerous.:eek:
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Massachusetts (the seat of the American Revolution!) is so unfriendly to any sort of self defense that it's also illegal to carry pepper spray without a permit. I used to visit a Jeeper friend in MA periodically to go junkyard hopping. I was expecting to be buying parts, so I was carrying cash, and I didn't have a MA CCW permit so I knew I couldn't carry a firearm. Like the people who get nailed in NYC for guns, I was naive enough to expect that pepper spray, being a purely defensive "weapon," was A-okay.

Then I happened to mention it in a discussion on a Jeep forum, and a Jeeper who is a (or was then) a police officer in MA chimed in and kindly informed me that I had committed a felony offense. I checked it out and, by golly, he was right.

The citizenry is NOT allowed to defend itself in Massachusetts. Interestingly, Massachusetts is one of the few states with a constitution that contains a RKBA clause but limits the RKBA only to the defense of the commonwealth.


New member
I have to disagree with your contention that in MA the citizenry is not allowed to defend itself. It's simply not true. There are silly laws and ordnances everywhere; MA is not alone in this regard. But saying as a blanket statement that we are not allowed to defend ourselves is just false. Many communities have no trouble issuing a license to carry concealed in MA. Pepper spray laws and mag capacity limits are stupid and defeat logical thought, as does our MA compliance testing but they do not produce a 'can't defend yourself' climate, in regards to firearms permits, obtaining the permits or firearms. Sorry you had a bad time in MA


New member
Chris...forget the excuse, MA, NY, NJ, MD and a few other states protect the guilty, not the innocent. Their laws are sick, and unconstitutional.
If we want to talk about the unfairness or unconstitutionality of a given law, that's fine. Blanket aspersions about a state or its people are not permitted, however.

Several posts have been edited because of this, and if it continues, this thread will be shut down.

Massachussets requires a permit for the purchase of ammunition.

In addition, state Fire Prevention Regulations require a special license for storage of ammunition or components exceeding these amounts:

(a) Small Arms Ammunition
1. Not more than 10,000 rounds of rim fire ammunition.
2. Not more than 10,000 rounds of center fire ammunition.
3. Not more than 5,000 rounds of shotgun ammunition.
(b) Small Arms Ammunition Primers
1. Not more than 1,000 caps or other small arms primers.
(c) Smokeless Propellants
1. Not more than 16 pounds.
2. Persons under 18 years of age may not keep or store Smokeless Propellants.
3. Not more than two pounds of such propellant shall be stored in a multiple family dwelling or a building of public access.
(d) Black Powder
1. Not more than two pounds.
2. Persons under 18 years of age may not keep or store black powder.
(e) Exempt quantities of small arms ammunition, primers, smokeless propellants and black powder shall be stored in original containers and such containers shall be stored in a locked cabinet, closet or box when not in use.
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New member
Herman, I said that MA laws defy logic and are stupid. Those are not 'excuses' for MA laws.

As Tom mentioned, let's look at the unconstitutional laws you're talking about.