Mass Handgun Sale/Transfer Laws ((HELP))


New member
For the first time I am going to be buying a handgun from a private owner and not a gun store. I'm not sure what the Massachusetts laws are in regards to this so I'm wondering if someone can let me know what steps I need to take.

From my search through Massachusett's Internet Gun Law hell, I'm pretty sure I have to fill out a Mass Firarm Sale-Rental-Lease FA-10 Transaction Form and send it in to somewhere.

If I'm wrong about this hopefully someone can set me straight. If I'm right, I'm wondering where I can obtain one of these forms so I can fill it out our do I have to go to an FFL or Gun Store, pay a fee and have them fill it out and send it in? Is there anything else I'm missing that needs to be done?

Any help would be appreciated.



New member
You can get the Fa10 form at any Police Dept,They are all supposed to have them. Fill it out Completley,then send it in to the adress listed on it.


New member
You know sometimes when you think a problem is bigger then it is you sometimes forget the easiest things. ((DUH!!)) Police station! Why didn't I think of that. :confused:


New member
stinx is correct. Get the form from your local police station, fill it out, and send it in to the address listed on the form.

Get the form before you buy the gun, because both buyer and seller need to sign it, and you need to send it in within 7 days of purchasing the gun.

Buyer and seller must both be MA residents and properly licensed -- make sure you get to see the seller's LTC.
