Mass Guns

The specialist

New member
Just got an email from my local gun store, Walther P99's are now Mass compliant. However the only other new guns for sale are new S&W's.


New member
Gee, and it just happens to be made by a company that has an agreement with Slick & Wesson!! How odd! :confused:

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited May 03, 2000).]


New member
I wouldn't count on Beretta. After the combination of S&W's actions and the MA AG's new regs, I heard they just said FU! we won't sell in MA.

The specialist

New member
Malpaso where did you here this? The dealer I go to told me that he was told by Beretta that they were working to comply with the Mass regs. By the way why would they want to risk losing long gun business. Also don't think that your safe from all this. The gun grabbing wolves in your state are sitting around watching all this right now, waiting to make their move.

Hard Ball

New member
There is a variation of the standard Glock that has a manual safety added. I don't believe that it has ever been imported into the United states. It is mainly sold to foreign police forces.


New member

There's no need for Glock to add a manual safety to meet the regs. All they have to do is:

1) install the NY+ trigger (10 lbs or greater).

2) stamp the serial number in a second, super -secret place.

3) add a "chamber-loaded indicator", which can be done with a slightly larger extractor and some red paint.

Which is exactly what Glock told Chief Ron Glidden of Lee, MA, who is the head of the MA firearms advisory board.



New member

I'd rather have a manual safety and a lighter trigger pull. I suppose a 10 lb safe action trigger would be OK if it is nice and smooth/crisp. Does the 10 lb Glocke trigger still have a short reset? If so, no big deel.


New member

I haven't tried the NY plus trigger, but I expect that it still has the short travel. Nevertheless, the MA regulations concern only the sale of guns. They don't prevent you from modifying the gun after you get it. And you can change the trigger on a Glock to one of the different weights in minutes for just a few bucks.



New member
What specifically does "Mass" compiant mean?

More regulations? No suprise, but what are they?


New member

When I saw the topic line I thought it was "Which gun do you take to Sunday Mass..." :D


I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.

[This message has been edited by Speedy (edited May 07, 2000).]