Maryland Standoff/Managed News


Member In Memoriam
On both NBC and CNN, heavy coverage of a hostage-taking in Maryland this AM. Not an unusual event (happens in my rural state several times a year) that's usually resolved reasonably. However here we see emphasis on 'man with a gun'. It's hard not to see a media/govt. conspiracy or collusion in this (and I laugh at conspiracy theorists, as a rule.) If the media wants to, they can bombard us with 'man with a gun' stories, several times a day...until the people have come to believe the contentions of the antis. And the worst part is, aside from sharing these thoughts here, I don't know what I can do about it that will make a difference. I weep for the Republic...slabsides

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.


New member
Its not going to end there. This past week in Boston there was a gun story in the news. Channel 5, really liberal, lead with the story for 2 days. Man shoots out windows of crowded TFI Fridays. Bomb making materials found in home. The guy used a BB gun, heard this from a friend that caught the story from another source. The bomb making materials were electrical wire and nails found in the basement. The most damning evidence were the books that he possessed that discussed explosives. No matter what happens they are going to play it up. And if it don't happen they will make it up. Funny thing is they never released his name on television. He was 40 years old.


New member
Maryland paper SUN has said that many residents have armed themselves against Poly boy with bats knives and loaded firearms. But they also cautioned those with loaded firearms not to have any accidental shootings.

I am more than happy to turn my gun's in, Bullets first


New member
I work at a construction site in the middle of where Poly is rampaging in Maryland. This state has no provision for CCW or to even carry a loaded gun in your vehicle. I maintain a weapon in my office trailer on site and at home. Meantime, I feel nekkid going between.