Maryland Governor on CSpan


Member In Memoriam
This morning (Fri. 4/7/Y2K) Parris Glendenning of Maryland was guest on CSpan. Call-ins and e-mails were uniformly pro-gun. He kept harping on 'child safety' and the fact that 'although many guns won't have locks for a long time, eventually, all guns will only be able to be used by the owners'. The poor silly man hasn't a clue (he's a perfect example of the failure of the American educational system and the dumbing down of the Republic) but what's worse, the New Jersey electorate doesn't either. They elected him. You can probably view this sorry spectacle tonite, CSpan frequently rebroadcasts their morning guests in the late evening. Catch a look at the future, folks. --slabsides

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.