Maryland Carry Question (HELP!!!!!)

ohen cepel

New member
Well, looks like I will be going to MD after my fun filled time overseas.

Want to be able to carry concealed if possible there.

Does anyone out there have a MD carry permit? What does it take to get one? Am I p@*@ing up a rope?



New member
Yes you are. Maryland concealed carry permits basically require you to be receiving documented death threats. If thats not the case then it might help if you know an important politician/are a celebrity/are rich. In short it is highly unlikely you will qualify for one.

As an aside are you active duty military? If so you might have a loophole to work through. But in Maryland its a big might. Also keep in mind that Maryland has very "tough" gun laws which effectively restricts the handguns you are allowed to own as a Maryland resident. I believe the way the shell casing fingerprinting system works now requires the manufacturer to submit the casing. Can't just submit one your FFL shoots anymore. Don't know what this means for people entering the state already owning firearmsm, but it may be bad.

I am a Delaware resident, but work in Maryland so unfortunately I don't know all the details about firearms ownership in Maryland.
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New member
Also, come January, 2003, all handguns sold in Maryland must have an internal trigger lock. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


I live in MD and I know you can't get a handgun until you're 21.
After being jumped (no amount of martial arts will stop 3 - 5 nogs
intent on your wallet) I decided to have a CCW from then on.
My CCW for now is a MasterLockPadlock attached to a BDU webbelt,
and 5 inch screwdriver (is this legal?). If I kill my attackers will I have a
chance in court? What are the laws regarding self-defense?


New member
In MD if you want a carry permit your best bet is to work for a business where you are responsible for their cash deposits and carry large sums of money.

If you want one just for general protection as a responsible citizen you will need to be dead before they will issue you one. As stated above you need to have documented with the police threats or attempts on your life. Essentially you are not allowed to protect yourself, the police do a perfect job on their own. Obviously the people that are killed, mugged and assaulted all deserved it and it's their own fault it happened. Your life and ability to protect it on your own mean nothing to our fine state government.


New member
The only loophole in MD for the military, is if you are carrying as part of your job (CID, MP, etc.), and then only when you're on duty, in the line of duty.

From an Ex-Marylander who looked into the issue, you're out of luck unless you work in a gun store, or can document threats.



Move to Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, or Pennsylvania. All are better than Maryland, and depending on where in MD you are, you can live out of state and be no more than 35-40 minutes away from work

Its not worth living in that trough

Baron Holbach

New member
Best of luck in "may issue" Maryland. You could try approaching the issue from a different angle: submit application for a carry permit with the intent to carry your gun as a non-resident in a "shall issue" state that reciprocates Maryland's concealed carry law.


New member
Baron -

That would work if there were any states which Maryland recognizes (there aren't). Nice thought though!



New member
Back in the 80s I was a process server and several of the other servers had permits (I was <21). You could probably claim to be a process server self-employed. Although, who knows, it might have tightened up since then.


New member
y'all are missing the quick path to getting a Maryland Carry Permit

become a politician


New member
well Ohen, I'm starting grad school in MD next fall and for this VERY reason, I will be residing in Virginia and commuting to Bethesda... why don't you join me in the gun-friendly lands of VA?! :)

ohen cepel

New member
Thanks for the info.

Guess I will continue to look at other options. I think Flame Thowers may be an option:D

On a serious side. Does anyone know the rules on ASP or knives in this socialist utopia?

I already know I have several things that they don't want me to have in their lovely little hole. I won't go into that rant now.

Ladybug- are you going to USUHS by chance?


New member
ohen cepel, check your PM. I will square you away. Knives and batons should not be a problem. Our dept is very pro military and you should not have problems. If you are into martial arts check out The Sensei works on post and is retired SF. The dojo is five minutes off post and is combat oriented and inexpensive ($60 a month for up to six hours a week). Again let me know what I can do for you to help you settle in. Do you have kids? The schools SUCK and we homeschool.

ohen cepel

New member
I think Jim Jones had an idea that MD could use! Would fix a lot of the problems (sorry, I digress)

Places like MD really frost my cookies! No wonder the mountian west has such a high growth rate!

Need to look into knives, ASP, bricks, and boomerangs now.

Master Blaster

New member
I understand that if you do get a ccw in MD it will be restricted.

Carry money? they will want to know when, you go to the bank on thursday afternoon, well here is your permit, good only on thursday between the hours of 3pm and 4:30 pm only between your business and the bank.

If you can document death threats you may have a better chance.

Good luck.