Maryland Assault Weapons Ban 2006


New member
Sucks to be you. Oh wait, I live in CA. Sucks to be both of us! And if Maryland hasn't banned .50's yet, expect them to be next on the list. I wish I had some good news for you, but . . .


New member
I feel for you. I am a resident of the Peoples Republik, myself. If you havn't already, try reading the essay "Why I Will Not Obey CA's Registration Edict" in the forum library, then do what you feel is appropriate. Remember to call, e-mail, pester your reps, and make sure you vote. If your state is like ours, it won't do any good, but it will make you feel better.


New member
I moved out of that crappy state 15 years ago. My only family members that live there now are going to move in a few years (when they retire). Many of my friends have moved out as well. I realize that jobs and family make moving difficult, but what is freedom worth?

Virginia and PA are not that far and have much fewer controlling laws.


New member
We need to stand our ground here and not run from the problem. Otherwise I believe eventually it will follow to other states as well.

Te Anau

New member
Demorats are such naive fools! Heres my favorite "banned" item.
"Mossberg model 500 Bullpup assault shotgun"


And it's a good thing they're banning all those highly concealable gun like the Uzi, Mac 10, Tec-9, etc. Hey at least the MPA Mini 9 is not on the list!! "Copycat" weapon? What 3rd grade education staffer wrote this stuff? Are they gonna make the house of representative's clerk say "nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo doo" if it passes?


New member
We need to stand our ground here and not run from the problem. Otherwise I believe eventually it will follow to other states as well.

I applaud your positive attitude, but I really think Md is a lost cause. The liberals are a lost cause and they OWN that state. What has that wonderful Republican Governor of yours done for gun owners? Pretty much nothing, right? Even if he wanted to reverse some of the damage, the liberal Demoncrats own the State Congress.
Do you think that Commiefornia, Taxechusets, and New Jerkey have a chance to turn things around?

I believe strength in numbers is a wiser tactic. Make the Red States stronger. Some blue states are not a lost cause, but Maryland is.


New member
My e-mai; to Senator Giannetti sent yesterday. I urge all Maryland members to do it as well. Stand up for ourselves. I had never written an elected official before. If I can do it you can do it. Be brief, courteous, and respectful.

Dear Senator,
Please accept this e-mail as a sincere thanks on behalf of myself and all responsible firearms owners in the state of Maryland for you support in helping block the Assault Weapons Ban over the last few years. We respectfully ask for your support once again to block the proposed AWB in 2006.
In addition, we respectfully ask for your support on two Senate bills. With the hopeful passage of SB-910, the "Castle Doctrine Bill", we will no longer be "forced" to retreat from a threat within our own homes for fear of prosecution for defending ourselves and our families. Please support SB-910.
Lastly, we request your support on the passage of SB-911, which will remove the need for a "good and substantial reason" in obtaining a permit to carry a concealed firearm, and make Maryland a "Shall Issue" state. Please support SB-910.
Thank you, Mr. Senator, for taking the time to consider our position on these issues. Good luck and God Bless.
Sincerely, Christopher J.Reed, Edgewater, Md. District 21


New member
I feel for ya too. Here in Wisconsin it's kinda backwards different. We have an anti-gun governor but republicans control both houses as of now. Always end up a little short to get CCW on the veto override vote, and that was because (a) demacrat(s) switched sides in the greatest time of need both times it went to a veto override. At least they aren't banning stuff that I know of


New member
Wow!!I would have never guessed that Md has problems with people launching grenades and :eek: flares:eek: while using flash suppressors and silencers and handles sticking out everywhere. My mind has these guns looking like a christmas tree. Sounds like all you have to do is put a different stock on it and loose the threads and it's suddenly not an assault weapon. With that bill a target 22lr with a thumbhole stock and dmag is an assault weapon. Maybe you can show the public what the gov't considers a wmd. I'm sure you'd get media attention if you took a ginsu to the pistol grip and threaded barrel and called it a legal weapon:D .

It seems our gov't has way too many people and time on their hands to come up with crap like this. What is even more depressing is that we are paying their LARGE salaries to come up with aforementioned crap. It seems a vicious circle, and eventually we'll all get bit:mad: