Maryland About to pass Built in Lock requirement

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Master Blaster

New member
Thats right folks while we were all cursing S&W's sellout the governor of Maryland has just about succeded in passing a law which would require an internal hammerlock on all handguns sold in Maryland after 2003.

The republicans who were going to fillibuster to block the bill have conceded defeat.

I wonder if this bill also contains the magazine capacity limits etc similar to the S&W agreement.

If passed in many states this type of bill would force gun makers to make changes or face losing the civilian market.

[This message has been edited by Master Blaster (edited March 26, 2000).]


New member
Originally posted by Ezeckial:
Maryland is a very liberal state (east coast version of California).

To get this bill through, Commisar Glendenning did drop the "smart gun" requirements.
The hammer lock may not be too bad. It's already used by Taurus (don't lose that little hex wrench) and should be fairly easily adaptable by other manufacturers (especially on revolvers) at a fairly low cost.
Considering Glendenning and his leftist Attorney General original stated intent was to ban handguns, this is probably the best we're going to see. I didn't read about any magazine limitations in this bill.
I believe one Republican tried to add a "shall issue" CCW amendment to the bill. Alas, that was defeated.

You know, the eastern shore of Maryland has been considering succession for years...we'd welcome them to the Commonwealth of Pensylvania. Maybe this will add more fuel to their fire.

[This message has been edited by Ezeckial (edited March 26, 2000).]


New member
Yea, H&K already has an internal slide lock that is activated with a tool used through the mag well. Doesn't mean you have to use it though :)

Gabe Suarez

New member
Solution to Internal Lock Features.
Lock the thing open or "ON", and then peen the device in that position so it cannot be "Closed". Throw away the key nad carry on as if it wasn't there.

Gabe Suarez

Gabe Suarez
The HALO Group


New member
Or you all can just move to Arizona. :) :) Let the commies live in their filth,and crime.

The only justice for a traitor is at the end of a rope!!!!
Off my meds (quit smoking), armed to the teeth, and loose on an unsuspecting society!!!
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