marvel 22


New member
hi guys,,,, my best half ordered one of the practical 22 kits for me for Christmas and it didn't make it so it was for our anniversary,,,and it didn't make it and now it's gona be for my birthday BUT

i was on their web sight today and went to their forum and they have a 6 month back log AND there sure was a lot of complaining about these things not working:eek:,,,, feed problems,, magazine problems,, and accuracy,, one guy was saying that he was getting 3" at 25 feet:confused:

so what do you, that have them think????? are they worth the wait???

have any of you guys heard of a 22 conversion called Advantage??? any one have one of theirs

how about the Kimber

i just want to get some cheap practical practice and i don't need any pain in the arse every time i go to the range:barf:

talk to me guys,,,, just looking for one of these things that work,,, oh lets say 95% of the time,,, for what they cost maybe 100%:)

thanks in advance for any help



New member
The Bullet Hole has a Marvel unit in stock. Call for pricing and shipping info.

The Advantage Arms unit has the nice ability to lock the slide back after the last shot. I currently own a Ceiner unit, but if I were buying today... it would be the Advantage Arms unit.

Good Luck...



New member
I had a Marvel and sold it. It was very accurate, but also very picky about ammo. It did not like cheap bulk pack ammo at all. I have a CZ Kadet for my CZ75 and it reliably eats anything I feed it, so I know it's possible.

I'm considering an Advantage Arms. They seem to get good reviews.

Tom C.

New member
I have the Marvel kit. It works fine but mags won't fit my two other 1911 frames, so it is limited to one frame. It is very accurate and I haven't noticed any reliability problems, but the Colt ACE mags aren't really all that good. I have several clone mags that are better than the Colt ones.