Martial Arts part 2


New member
First analize and then avoid the situation if possible. Found the comments interesting. I study JKD with an emphasis on ground fighting(BJJ). What I have learned is that when faced with multiple attackers, try to stay up and mobile. If not possible concentrate on one opponent and try to choke/kill him at the same time using him as a shield. Frank Cucci(ST6) and Rickson comment on firearms as the best multiple attacker defense.
The most important thing I learned recieved from practicing martial arts is confidence. I tapped out a lot of guys that I wasn't supposed to because they were bigger, or had darker belts(whatever). I am not big, to many of you I'm puny as hell(5'6", 175), but I have the confidence that I can defend myself.
Heart is another factor. I have fought and trained with SpecWarriors(Recon, Rangers, US/Thai SEALs) and what amazed me was not their fighting skills, but their determination. I took that and abide by it, that's why I had my ankles broken and shoulders dislocated in matches, because I didn't want to give(lost those ones). Don't ever give up. Fight until your lungs hurt so bad that you pass out or they kill you.

In regards to all those NHB tourni's, remember there are still rules there.
Self defense doesn't have to be that complicated. If you were to mount me and I couldn't reverse the position I wouldn't hesitate to break a finger or two. I would bite your ears off and you can say good bye to your vision because I'll only fight for keeps. Don't want to fight, but if I have to then it's all out.


New member
Quote: Self defense doesn't have to be that complicated. If you were to mount me and I couldn't reverse the position I wouldn't hesitate to break a finger or two. I would bite your ears off and you can say good bye to your vision because I'll only fight for keeps. Don't want to fight, but if I have to then it's all out.

That is the reason why I never look for a new method of fighting anymore, for if a person is determined to fight or kill, it would be very easy.

There are many ways to attack a person that he cannot use much of what he have learned. If someone purpose is purely self defense and not for tournament for trophy, Simple karate or any barehand martials is good enough. The same thing to using a knife. I will not confront a knife versus knife if I can see that I am not in an advantage position (or my defense is weak) but instead I will retreat and see the BG next time. Call me coward but I am using my head over my manhood. It is true there are cicumstances that we cannot really escape a particular situation but again nothing is impossible to do if we really want to retreat or deviate from an encounter. Anyway, retreating is part of Self Defense tactics.


Staff Alumnus
"Puny as hell"? My weight is up, and you're still well over 20 lbs heavier... :)

As Bud used to say,
Keep fighting until you go home or the lights go out.

What do you want?
Freedom to live like we are.
Anything else?
Guns, so they can't take the freedom away!
I'll see what I can do-
And grenades, mortars, and mines, so they can't take the guns away!