marlins.. of scout mounts and peep sights..


New member
I was thinking of taking my 44p, putting a peep sight or ghost ring on it and a scout scope with detachable rings. Well actually thinking of putting o the peep sight first, and seeing if I cared to put a scout scope on later.

I likw the lyman peep sight, but was wondering if it can be used with the XS scout mount?

Anyone know if they play well together?


New member
Judging by this pic from Ashley's website, you should have no problem.



New member
unfortunately that's ashley's sight made to go with their mount, and I don't really like it.

That mount is also their 1894 mount, typoed my original message, mine is a 444p, which means it uses the 1895 mount.

I've seen that picture, and assuming that the 1895 mount is similar, I think it may be a really close call.

bsaed on this picture from lyman


New member
You're right, that could be a close one. Looks like the Ashley scope base might be just thick enough to interfere with the Lyman.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Bulldog, I doubt it would.

I put both the Ghost Ring sights AND the Lever Scout forward scope mount on my 1895 GS .45-70, and they worked beautifully. I used the scope just to work up hand loads, and then returned it to my Savage .308. But, know what? I liked the rig so well that I just left the scope mount in place. Maybe one day I cn afford another Leupold M8 Scout Scope.

Do you already own the Lyman peep? I don't have any idea of the heights of their various aperture sights, but one would have to be VERY low to have the line-of-sight obscured by the LS scope mount. I think it'd work fine.

Now, my stuff is a few years old, marked Ashley Outdoors, but I understand XO (XS?) is producing the identical products. And, while I've used Lyman, Redfield, and Williams peep sights, I can't say enough about this Ghost Ring setup. It is capable of precise (though not rapid) adjustment, is extremely quick to use in the field, and is sturdy enough to make an anvil seem delicate. :p

Let us know what you end up using, please.


Bob C

New member
I have a peep sight on my 1894 .44 magnum. and on an 1895 Guide Gun , and don't plan to scope either.

Both have the Williams model which uses the holes drilled and tapped on top of the receiver for a scope base.

Scopes offer advantages, but even with my aged eyes I can do what I expect of these rifles with the aperture sight.


New member
well, like I said, I don't know if I am going to go for a scope, I'd jsut like to not buy gear twice if I can avoid it.

As for XS's ghost rings, I KNOW they exist. They are both expensive, and as far as I could determine do not accept an aperture to make them a peep sight. Whereas all the decent peep sights allow you to remove the aperture disc and use them as a ghost ring if you really desire.

I'll probably wind up taking my chances and finding out what is what.


New member
I think you should be able to use a higher front sight if you run into trouble with the Lyman receiver sight. The taller front sight will require an upward adjustment in the rear sight to bring the POI back to POA. I don't recall the numbers, but I know that Williams (and probably other makers of replacement front sights) make front sights in a variety of different heights.


New member
You can buy different apertures for the XS sight. The .191 is standard, the .218 is threaded on the inside so you can use Williams apertures. They also offer a .150 and a .230. You will need a higher front sight with the XS rear sights.
I have a scouted Marlin 336 with no iron rear sight. People I have talked to say the XS sight sticks up a tiny bit into their vision looking through the scope, but isn't really an issue. I can't see my factory front sight at all through the scope.
Cruise on over to and all your questions will be answered. Their boards are down right now but I'm sure they will be up tomorrow.