

New member
A friend sent this to me. Any comments?

Marlin Firearms bought and CLOSED by George Soros. Even if you don't own a gun - this will affect you!

MARLIN FIREARMS IS CLOSING ITS DOORS Even if you do not own a gun you need to know this.

This was checked on "Truth or Fiction" who verified it. They can be trusted more than ----- Snopes. Marlin Firearms is already closing its doors! They are doing it to us, America! All gun owners and sportsmen/women need to see this. We cannot rely on the media to inform us of these types of happenings. Something you may not know that Is happening! Who is buying the companies manufacturing guns??? For the last several years a company called The Freedom Group has been buying up gun and ammunition manufacturers. Some of the companies are Bushmaster, Marlin, Remington, DPMS, Dakota Arms and H&R. Some people worry that this Freedom Group is going to control most of the firearms companies in the United States. If you control the manufacturers you can decide to stop selling to civilians.

What a perfect way to control guns. Now if you do some digging you will see that The Freedom Group is owned by a company called Cerberus Capital Management. Guess who controls Cerberus??? GEORGE SOROS, Obama's chief financier!! He wants to restrict or ban all civilian guns. Please pass this on to all your freedom loving friends. This needs to come out. Why have we not heard about this in the "mainstream" media? I would think this would be BIG news.

(Soros also owns Progressive Insurance - Flo). If you don't know who George Soros is, you need to do some research. This One-World Government atheist backed Obama with millions of dollars and Obama is a puppet on a string controlled by Soros.


Bull Poop...
An old rumor has once again resurfaced alleging that Cerberus--the private equity firm that owns Freedom group, a holding company that in turn owns a number of firearms manufacturers, including Remington, Marlin, Bushmaster, and DPMS--is in some way tied to George Soros.

This rumor is completely false and baseless.


New member
A friend if mine just bought a new 336 in 30-30 last week with no issues at Dick's. They did not seem concerned about the supply chain. On a side note the fit and finish looked good and the action, while tight is actually pretty smooth. The wood is really nicely sanded and looks great. It just looks a little bare on finish. (we can fix that) And most important it shot well.


New member
Bilderburger. Where good food is a conspiracy.


And the ordering system will go like this:

Customer: "I'd like a deluxe cheeseburger and onion rings, please."
Staff: "Yes we already knew that."


New member
Marlin moved from New Haven, CT to North Haven, CT many decades ago...

Marlin was then purchased by The Freedom Group (owned by Cerberus), and was relocated to Kentucky, and Ilion, NY (Remington)...

(years ago)

If you want the entire scoop and timeline, hit and start reading the story directly from former employees...


New member
Marlin is not closing.

In fact, they're finally reintroducing some of the models previously discontinued (during the Ilion transition, when Remington suddenly found out that their "superior" manufacturing techniques weren't so superior, after all....).


New member
Now if you do some digging you will see that The Freedom Group is owned by a company called Cerberus Capital Management. Guess who controls Cerberus??? GEORGE SOROS...

And...if YOU would do some digging prior to merely repeating false information you'd like to believe - for what reason only you know - you'd find...

George Soros doesn’t own Cerberus Capital Management, a private equity firm founded in 1992 by Stephen Feinberg and William Richter. Both Feinberg and Richter currently serve as two of the firm’s senior managing directors.

Feinberg, also the firm’s chief executive officer, is an avid hunter.

George Soros has never been associated with Cerberus Capital Management. Cerberus is a PRIVATELY OWNED and traded capital management firm. Soros could not buy controlling interest in Cerberus unless the current owners sold the entire company to him....which they don't appear to want to do.


New member
There is a really good thread about the Marlin plant closing/move/etc. over on the Marlin Owners Forum. Several of the forum members are/were Marlin employees. One cause of severe heartburn among the Marlin employees has to do with the way they feel they were treated. When the family that owned Marlin forever decided to "retire' and sell out, they apparently got a promise (obviously verbal or informal) that the plants and employees would be protected. Well, that tuned out to not be the case.


Member Emeritus
This is dead wrong, Soros has nothing to do with Marlin, Marlin is not closing.

Marlin is moving ahead on the leverguns.