Marlin Model 70PSS magazine issues...


New member
I purchased some extra magazine for my 70PSS, but the ones I received do not have the needed cut-out to fit. The 10-rounders do have the cut out but not my new 7-rounders??? I purchase them new from Marlin and Midway, just wondering if anybody had a work-around without have to return them. I really don't want to whip out the dremel...I've already emailed Midway, but I'll have to call Marlin on Moday as they don't have an email address.

The one on the right has the cut-out and fits, the new one on the left does not.




New member
I'm not sure what my mags look like, so I'll have to get back to you on that one. I have five mags total, one 7-round and four 10-round. Two of the 10-round came with a Marlin 795, the others were purchased at a store. All have worked great with the 70PSS I have.



New member
Thanks for the reply grimjaw. I receive a response from Midway...they said that all their 70PSS 7 round mags don't have the cut out. I'll have to call Marlin to see what they say...



New member
I've yet to buy additional mags for mine and I've had it for years. I still shoot 7....reload...shoot 7...reload... It taks a while to go through a box of 500 ;) Must get new mags!

I'm watching this thread.