Mark IV 22/45 back again.


New member
Back again from Ruger.

My Mark IV 22/45 Lite had to go in for service again. First I had the Recall work done and while at Ruger they replaced my barrel. It was loose and kept backing out of the receiver when cleaning. This caused lot of jams. After getting it back I tried to break it in and within 200 rounds it started to jam again. The cartridge would stick while loading into the chamber. Then it would not extract because it was stuck there. I needed to use a knife to dig the casing out.

Looking closely I found a burr in the chamber. My firing pin was hitting and left a divot on the end.

When I got it back the note from the factory said they replaced the barrel again, the firing pin and springs along with the extractor. There were a few other parts replaced as well. Looks like I got back a brand new gun. Trigger pull is now set at 4 lb 12 oz.

By the way, when I sent it in I took out all of the upgrades I had done and instead of reinstalling I put all the factory parts in a small plastic bag. I called first and made sure they were o.k. with that.

When I got it back there was a note saying they don’t recommend taking the gun apart that far. How else do you change out the trigger parts for a Volquartsen Kit?

Today I took it to the range for some test firing. I put 200 rounds of Blazer ammo through it again and it worked 100%. I’ve got a new disconnector on order and when it comes in I’ll replace all the Volquartsen parts. It should end up with a 2.5 lb trigger. I also like getting rid of having to put an empty magazine in the gun to be able to strip it or to show clear at the end of a stage during Steel Challenge Matches.


New member
AZshooter, hope your MK IV is up to snuff this time. I have an older 22/45 that just works reliably. I can understand Ruger recommending you not take the gun apart that far. Especially to install fire control system parts that Ruger didn't make, didn't install and has no control over whatsoever. Were I a manufacturer, I would say the same thing. I've certainly installed aftermarket parts on guns, but I can't gripe because the manufacturer doesn't recommend it.


New member
Hope she runs good for you now.
I'd be surprised if the mag safety could not be omitted, a lot of times they're just an extra part.

I hate mag safeties too.

Ruger would really hate me, I strip my guns down to nuts and bolts on the first cleaning after getting them.
Probably just the usual manufacturing lawyer spiel.

SGW Gunsmith

The original post above has mentioned that Ruger replaced his original factory Mark IV firing pin, and that he had a burr develop in the chamber mouth.

The new style Ruger Mark IV firing pins are breaking at an alarming rate, and if not caught in time, will install a chamber mouth ding in the breech face.


The Ruger Mark IV firing pins have a through hole too dang close to the radius where the firing pin hits the hardened firing pin stop pin. In the picture above, you can see where that extra hole first started to elongate, and then finally, the firing pin broke.

My recommendation is that if you have a Ruger Mark IV, remove the firing pin and send it back to Ruger. there any way you can post a picture of the new firing pin that Ruger installed in your Mark IV pistol? Or, can you tell us if that firing pin looks just like the original. Thanks


New member
Interesting, my older 22/45 works great. I have not changed any parts out but admit I do hate the mag safety.