Marine Vs. Bear


Don't mess with Marines! :eek: :D

I can't believe he got a ticket, for failing to secure his food - wth? What are you supposed to do - bolt your ice chest to the ground? :rolleyes:


A Proud Marine Moment

That just tickles the funny bone and rankles the skin; man defends his boy (who had the temerity to throw a shovel at a bear!) with a piece of kindling, kills the bear and gets a ticket. imagine what would have happened if he had been armed and shot the bruin!

Makes me proud to be a Marine and adds another measure of disgust at bureaucracy.


New member
Marines arms are bigger on average. Somthing more like the arms of Paul Bunyan. :p

He needs to go to belgum and do a bear hunt with a Gaul battle axe (traditional over there if my Belgian commando friend is telling the truth)
One Indian tracked a bear to a cave and called out, "Come out! I want you!" He kept yelling until he woke the bear which was not in the most pleasant dispositions (think of the antithesis of Yogi Bear). The Indian deftly sidestepped and clubbed the bear to death with one blow to the head. The red man was TOUGH. Read this and other stories in Rambling Anecdotes (Blackpowder forum).


New member
The fact that they gave him a ticket is deplorable. I hope he fights it in court and wins.

I'd like to be the 1st to coin a term or two we may all be using in the future "Use enough stick" and "Don't bring a limb to a log fight."
