marine snipers DON'T use bipods?!?


New member
Harris bipods are all the rage for Rem700 PSS/VS .308 rifles.

So I was amazed when The History Channel showed a special about modern snipers (out in the bush in their Ghillie suits and facepaint), and not one of them had a bipod!

What's up with that? Are bipods only used for urban ops?

Or is a bipod just a "tactical" thing. :barf:
I've read (Chandler series Death From Afar) that Marine Snipers use their rucksacks, logs or what not to rest their rifles on. Less weight and less stuff to snag on branches when stalking.

Rex Feral

New member
The bipod is optional on the M24 used by the Army, the Marines usually shoot the M40 off their pack or with the M1907 sling.


New member
We normally use our rucks or less normally our 782 gear. Sometimes for urban ops or stalks I'll take a modified camera tripod and use that for supported high kneeling or standing shots. It's one less thing to drag along and it saves weight. Unlike what is advocated in the sniper schools, I occasionally use the sling, but that's more a result of my NRA High Power background than anything. Semper Fidelis...Ken