Map of the near future


New member
Just toying around with photoshop, thought you guys might get a kick out of this.


  • afganmap 2002.jpg
    afganmap 2002.jpg
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New member
So, we should murder all of the pro-American Afghanis and destroy their country to make sure the rest of those dirty so&sos fear us enough to not let anyone else attack the CONUS?

Ideas like that put the black hat squarely and tightly on our collective head. But then again, it is just too funny to contemplate genocide when they are anti-American non-westerners dying, right?


New member
Jezz, and to think, I had just rolled those half dozen Tritons out of my garage and started fueling. Sure am glad we had this talk Libertarian. I'll be sure to abstain from mass genocide in the future. Make sure you tell the the head western devils to stop it to, OK. I guess the rest of the world can continue, since we are such meanies and probly desearve it, right?


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