Manse's Revenge-SASS SC State Championship Match March 21-24, 2013

Crunchy Frog

New member
We're about three weeks away from some of the best cowboy action shooting events in the region. This is the SC State Championship but the match draws cowboy shooters from all over the Southeast and beyond (ask the fellow who is coming from OREGON).

The Greenville Gun Club is hosting the SC State Match for the second time and we're going all out. The match is limited to 200 shooters and we have 146 registered as I post.

If you have an interest in cowboy action shooting this is a great opportunity to come out and see cowboy shooters at their best. Visitors and spectators are welcome. It is a family friendly event so bring the whole crew. Aside from the shooting there will be vendors selling all sorts of cowboy shooting "necessaries".

We kick off Thursday March 21st with "side matches" including a black powder match in the morning, a Wild Bunch Action Shooting match after lunch, and various other side matches throughout.

Friday and Saturday are the best days to come watch as we shoot the "main match stages". These stages will be much of what we do in our local monthly matches and require the shooter to use two single action revolvers, a rifle and a shotgun.

Sunday morning we have the awards ceremony and the top scoring shooters go head-to-head on falling plates in a "shootoff" for an extra prize.

For more information go to and click on "Manse's Revenge". Post a reply or send me a PM with comments or questions.

Crunchy Frog (or on cowboy match days, I'm known by my alias Abe E.S. Corpus)