Man with knife kills 10 people in Philippines

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New member
Link to the story here.

In summary, man kills 10 and wounds 14 others. Turns self in later.

This story does make me wonder what kind of out cry we'll hear from the Brady Campaign. Letter writing campaigns, calls to the Senate banning all steak knives, blog posts on sensible knife control? I'm guessing there won't be a word uttered on this from our good friends at the Brady Campaign. They claim to be anti-violence not anti-gun so we'll see what play this gets.

To me, and I'm guessing, to any Brady zombie this is more proof that knives or guns don't kill people, people kill people with whatever is at hand.

I'll be looking for Sarah's response to this terrible killing...


Obviously, if someone killed 10 people with a knife, then guns must be banned, because he could have killed three times that many if he had a gun.

You know that's what they'll say.


New member
I just hope nobody ever uses a sausage to commit a mass murder. I'd hate to worry about a sausage ban. Heaven help me if I have to make sausage in secret.
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