Man shoots 2 homeinvaders - can anyone verify?


New member
About a half hour ago I heard this on talk radio (KFI AM640, based out of California) -

Some guy called in to ask the host - Bill Handel - if he had legal grounds to sue two bounty hunters who burst into his home shouting and cursing. They were looking for some wanted guy, don't know the details, but they had the wrong address. Way wrong - the resident grabbed his pistol, and shot them. Both.

Neither died and will recover after spending time in the hospital. I laughed pretty hard at Handel's description of the "Neanderthal styled bounty hunters," but I got to thinking - I hadn't heard anything about this and wonder if it really happened. Can anyone verify? It would be intereseting to follow for case law allusions in the future - especially in a California court...

(By the way - Handel said the guy had good grounds for a suit...)