Man plays pranks on wife regarding handgun

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New member
What an A-hole. He oughta have those firecrackers shoved where the sun don't shine and set off.:mad:


New member
I thought it was rather funny.

Also, the woman shouldn't have been playing with the gun with her finger on the trigger.


New member
How did he know she hadn't chambered a round, then would spin around toward the threat....

While I'm glad no one was physically hurt, this could have been one of those events you read about in numerous publications.

What a Dumb A.
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Miata Mike

New member
That video was funny several years ago when I watched it for the first time. It looks set up to me the way she is making faces and smelling it, but I did chuckle again. ;)


New member
Staged or not, just another IDIOT making smart gun owners look bad!!

Also giving fuel to the anti-gun agenda.



New member
I am thinking staged. If it wasn't, did he leave the gun sitting there un attended that she went outside and sat down then started playing with it? Did he leave her sitting outside with the gun when he went in?

If it wasn't staged it was kind of funny to see her reaction. Chances are he knew there were no bullets in the gun also.

Last note...lucky for him when she jumped and threw it down that it didn't fall off or miss the table and end up all scratched up from hitting the ground.


New member
golfnutrlv is dead nuts on. This is the type of video that some in Congress and elsewhere would love to use showing 'Gun Nuts' need to be further restrained.
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