Man pitchforks children

Jack 99

New member

Two children killed with pitchfork

MERCED, Calif. — A man broke into a home and
fatally stabbed a 9-year-old girl and her 8-year-old
brother with a pitchfork before he was shot to death
by sheriff's deputies. Three other siblings, including
one who was bleeding from puncture wounds,
escaped by climbing through windows. When
sheriff's deputies arrived at the house in this rural
community about 60 miles north of Fresno, the
assailant charged at them with the pitchfork,
authorities said. ''They were hollering at him to stop,
but he wouldn't stop,'' Assistant Sheriff Henry
Strength said. "Finally they had to shoot him.'' The man's identity was not
immediately known.


FINALLY they had to shoot him?

I think that bullet needed to have been dispensed quite a bit SOONER than it was. Just another example of why we should never leave it up to the police to provide for our total protection. At least not until we get all of those pitchforks off the street.


New member
Save the children!!!

I think the cops should be sued for not being able to protect the children!!!

And we should ban Pitchforks, and force the manufactures out of business through unlawful lawsuits!

Save the children!!!

Ok that is how anti's think, oh wait this doesnt have anything to do with guns! So they wont even care about this. Save the children indeed, but only when it comes to "gun violence" murder a child any other way, and we hear silence from them!

Dead [Black Ops]


New member
I posted this the same story about two minutes after Jack 99. I edited my post to point it to this one.

These folks acted like model citizens and called 911.

If only they had access to a firearm and knew how to use it maybe one, or both, of those kids
would still be alive.

Perhaps a preview of a new and SAFER California (this happened in Merced, CA) when the
Socialists here achieve their gun free paradise.

I think this is good fodder for the 'call 911 and die' file.


Dennis Olson

New member
...they asked Juan Fuentes if he had a gun...

Well, what else would you expect in the People's Republik of Kalifornia? Though tragic, the fascists have none but themselves to blame...



Incidents like this are bound to increase as the pressures of day-to-day life get worse.

Got guns?

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken


New member
Could we SERIOUSLY file a suit against this pitchfork maker? I mean hell with all the other frivolous lawsuits maybe someone should try it! And if they win give the money to the victims families. I dunno...Im just talking out my @$$ but as we all know that we never saw any of this on TV!

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me



New member
Town Baffled By Pitchfork Attack
Associated Press Writer
MERCED, Calif. (AP) -- After a sleepless night mourning the deaths of two of his children -- killed by a stranger with a pitchfork -- John Carpenter slipped out of the hospital to get some doughnuts.
He quickly discovered that a popular coffee shop in his hometown would provide no refuge from his grief.
''Guys twice my size were breaking down and crying,'' Carpenter said Thursday. ''They just can't believe it.''
An entire community was grieving over a seemingly random act of violence. A stranger broke into Carpenter's farmhouse 60 miles north of Fresno on Wednesday and terrorized his five children. Two of them, age 7 and 9, were fatally stabbed before deputies shot and killed the attacker.
Carpenter, a carpenter by trade, was working, and his wife, Tephanie, 34, had taken her car to get the brakes checked at the time of the killings.
One of their daughters is still recovering from stab wounds. The other two were not injured.
''It's such a shock,'' Carpenter said, his eyes red from crying and a lack of sleep. ''You keep pinching yourself. I got to wake up.''
Investigators still don't know what led 27-year-old Jonathon David Bruce on the violent rampage. They knew of no connection between the family and Bruce, who was identified through fingerprint records from a 1999 arrest for being under the influence of methamphetamine and fighting with police.
''The whole thing is very, very bizarre,'' Merced County Sheriff Tom Sawyer said.
The terror began when Jessica Carpenter, 14, awoke and saw a stranger in her living room pulling on his pants. He had barricaded himself and the children in the house by pushing furniture against the walls.
At a news conference at a local hospital with her parents and sister Anna, Jessica said she slipped back into her bedroom, locked the door and tried to call police. The phone was dead. The man began banging on her door.
When she heard crying, Jessica climbed out a window and sprinted to a neighbor's house, cutting her bare feet on a coarse farm field along the way.
No one was home, and when she returned to her house. Anna, 13, and sister Vanessa, 11, were fleeing, too, saying the man was attacking their younger brother and sister with a pitchfork.
Anna said the man had told her to lie down, then jabbed the pitchfork at her, cutting her hands when she tried to defend herself.
''He looked possessed,'' she said Thursday, her bandaged hands hugging a teddy bear.
The youngest girl, Ashley, 9, had come in from another room and yelled, ''Stop it!'' When the attacker turned his attention to Ashley, Anna and Vanessa ran down a hallway and locked themselves inside a laundry room.
The man said, ''Let me in, I'll be nice to you,'' Anna said. The girls fled through a window and went to a neighbor's house.
''They could hear Ashley screaming as they were running, and then she went quiet,'' the father said.
In her call to the 911 dispatcher, Jessica said: ''There's somebody in my house who I don't know. (He's) stabbing my brother and sister with a pitchfork.''
When deputies arrived, they entered the house through a front window and saw the attacker coming at them with the pitchfork. Deputies shot and killed him.
Ashley and 7-year-old John were found dead in their beds.
''Their lives will never be the same. It's amazing how one man can affect so many lives like that,'' John Carpenter said.
Before being evicted last month, Bruce lived in a duplex behind Ann Adams' house in downtown Merced. Adams said the man frequently yelled at her three great-grandchildren and his girlfriend's children, who all played together.
She said Bruce had worked part time as a
telemarketer, but mostly paced around the neighborhood after the girlfriend and her children moved out.
''He just sort of went downhill,'' Adams said.

"Carpenter, a carpenter by trade, was working, and his wife, Tephanie, 34, had taken her car to get the brakes checked at the time of the killings."

In other words, the children were left unattended by any adult until the headcase broke into their house.

I am uncertain what mom would have been able to do against Mr. Pitchfork but if forewarned, she would have had a better chance of deterring him than several screaming children.

Not only were the police useless for protection in this case (but at least they deleted the guy from the population), so were the neighbors. I hope the lesson has been noted by the locals out there.


New member
When I was 14 if this POS came to my house he would have gotten a few 230 grainers centre mass. I guess if they had taught the 14 year old to shoot and supply a gun for her maybe those kids would have been spared, guess well never know now. Glad he didnt use a gun or else a new law would have been written up this week by the communist heathens that run this POS state.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cliff:
If only they had access to a firearm and knew how to use it maybe one, or both, of those kids
would still be alive.
This once again proves Finestine and company doesn’t mind blood on their hands. They are at least partially to blame.


New member
This should be an important lesson to us all!

Save the children: Register those pitchforks! :rolleyes:

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"

[This message has been edited by KaMaKaZe (edited August 25, 2000).]

Jack 99

New member
You know, just about the time I talk myself into supporting drug legalization, I hear about some nutjob on meth going over the edge. That meth seems to induce incredible paranoia.

Sorry to hear about those kids. It seems that a nice, big farm dog might have prevented this too.


New member
Probably the Carpenters moved from the city to escape the crime,thinking they would be safe out in the country.Thats the only explanation I can think of for them to choose to remain disarmed.Here in the St.Louis area it is common for people to move to the country and start whining about all the gunfire they hear.In one case new "country folk"tried to pack a town hall meeting in an attempt to ban firing guns in the area surrounding their mini-farms.They fail to realize that they are moving to an area where there are likely more guns around then there were in their former home in the city.



Staff Alumnus
14 is more than old enough to know how to use a gun, and I would say, plenty old enough to be left with younger siblings for reasonable amounts of time.


New member

Next Mothers Day, watch out for the MAFIA -- Mothers Against Farm Implement Annihilation


[This message has been edited by GnL (edited August 25, 2000).]


New member
"FINALLY the had to shot him?"

The reason the LEOs didn't shoot this guy from the start is they had to give him the chance to give up. If they shot him immediately after entering the house they would have been up the proverbal creek without a paddle. As it is the "victim's" family will sue the deputies involved and their department. The deputies department will also investigate to make sure they did not violate this POS civil rights.

MP Freeman

New member
Pitch forks don't die, People do!!

When I was 14, a scumbag like that would've been filled with holes from my Dad, my older brother and me.

Pitchfork maniacs love trigger locks.


New member
I've noticed the same phenomena around here, where people move to the country then complain. A local gun club/shooting range has been closed as a result. When I go to another town and shoot with friends on thier friends property every single time cops are called. Of course we are doing nothing wrong so they just say hi and go away. What do they think is going on?