Man killed by deer at Texas hunting ranch

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
"Puncture wounds to the side and thigh...."

Could have been femoral or heart, or both. I'm willing to bet that's not a pleasant way to go.:barf:


New member
Some years ago I was walking back to my truck after a morning hunt and came across a guy sitting on a log bleeding from the chest. My first thought was "Holy crap he's been shot" but it turns out he'd shot a buck and thought it to be dead. When he went to tie a rope around it's neck to drag it out of the woods the deer had other ideas and gored him and ran off. Luckily it was cold and he was wearing a pretty thick jacket or the nasty, but largely superficial, wounds he had would have been much worse and could have been life threatening.

Male deer have sharp pointy things on their heads and the neck muscles with which to use them. Be careful!
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New member
I seem to recall...

.... from some autumn safety standdowns...

that deer lead pretty much all animals in the US except dogs, when it comes to killing humans.

Not sure if those stats include vehicular accidents.

Definitely not the first time I've heard of a hunter getting gored or kicked by a deer, though; most of the reports I've read involved a hunter following a blood trail and being surprised by the still-alive deer.

Can't blame the deer; I'd do the same thing, in its hooves...


New member
My best buddy was Gored by a Spike elk his buddy shot while hunting in Utah about 20 years ago... Tore a good hole in his bicep... It was dropped by a 7MM mag and wasn't a large bull at all. It took a few minutes to walk to it, and when they go there he leaned in to slice the throat and it reared on him.


New member
I think this can pretty much shut down any future arguments that game farms are nothing like hunting....these animals can & do kill people!


New member
Teds new show "tracking the killer buck". :DI had a cousin get ramed by a deer,when the deer stopped he had almost no shirt left on his back.It took him months to get healed up.Good Luck


New member
my uncle dropped a doe with his bow, as he was climbing down from the treestand he heard a noise, by the time he turned his head the deer was butting him in the chest. the deer kept hitting him against the tree till he was able to jab it in the neck with his $$$$ hunting knife. it ran off with the knife in its neck. his ribs were very badly bruised for weeks.


New member
that deer lead pretty much all animals in the US except dogs, when it comes to killing humans.

That's what I've always heard. But it not because of deer attacks. It's due to people losing control of their cars trying to avoid deer in the road and fatally crashing.
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It's due to people loosing control of their cars trying to avoid deer in the road and fatally crashing.
It includes all deer-vehicle accidents. Some are caused by swerving, some actually involve the deer being hit. Deer have a propensity for coming through the windshield when hit and that's pretty hard on the folks in the car.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I should think that, if you're wondering how "dangerous" deer are, then you'd have to discount hitting them with a vehicle. Otherwise, you'd have to put trees in the list somewhere. In fact, I'd bet that trees kill more people than deer.


In fact, I'd bet that trees kill more people than deer.
When people in cars get killed by trees it's almost invariably because someone drives a car off the road and into a tree. In other words it's not like the tree jumped out into the road in front of their vehicle and then froze in the headlights... :D
People are attacked by deer fairly regularly and a bunch are killed. Most notably, the attacks are around the fall rutting season such as the 3 folks reported here as killed in 2005.

One here in Fall of 2007

This lady was nearly killed a few days ago.

Y'all may remember the SIU attacks...

Of course, you have some idiots who bring on the attacks themselves...

Heck, the Mayor of Fort Thomas, Kentucky even has a warning about deer attacks posted on his website!

As far as the comments about deer killing people in cars, there is a huge difference between collisions with animals and animals actually attacking people. Deer may be a driving hazard, but there isn't much in the way of evidence to suggest that deer/vehicle collisions resulting in the deaths of humans were caused by attacking deer.
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New member

i have read that if one shoots an animal and it is lying there with its eyes shut chances are it AINT dead. any truth to that. if so it would simplify the sometimes problem.

Uncle Billy

New member
Had a friend who dropped a buck with his .50 caliber caplock rifle during muzzle loader season. He stood where he was for awhile, what he thought was long enough to determine that the deer was dead, but he didn't use the time to reload his rifle. Satisfied that the deer was down for good he walks up to the buck, which promptly tries to stand up. My friend has no alternative but to beat the crap out of the deer with his rifle, swinging it and jamming the deer with the brass butt plate, holding the muzzle. He finally killed it all the way, but the rack was ruined, and so was his rifle. Live and learn...