man going to court to defend gun rights


New member,0,6052042.story

Supposedly this man has never been arrested and never had a speeding ticket. That is noteworthy in my opinion, though the article doesn't state that man has never had a traffic ticket. I can only guess they are citing him based on the issue of doing the handling and such of the firearms on the outside of the vehicle when that could've been done before or after the transport of them to the range. I guess they'll give him a break and dismiss the charges or remove them if he pays the court fine?


New member
Sounds like this woman was looking for and created as drama. There are people like this all over. If she was so concerned and afraid, she would not have circled him five times.

As far as the police officers actions goes, who knows what the officer witnessed, maybe the guy who got the ticket was an a$& during the investigation, or what the officers personal biases are (yes, a cop can have a personal bias). A ticket can be like getting sued; anybody can be sued, it's the officers word until the court date....let the judge sort it out.


New member
I WOULD have blamed the woman myself. I see it every day, people with their noses so far into everyone elses business it is sickening. If the woman was "scared" why did she circle 5 times? If I am scared of someone with a firearm, I flee. The woman also claimed he was "following her" but even the cops admit that did not happen. This sounds totally bogus, Like a typical hosuewife with nothing better to do than get into everyones business and cause trouble. The suburb I grew up in was FILLED with people like that so I know the type, they live to make drama.

This man looks to have done nothing illegal and being questioned for TWO HOURS is nuts. I would not only sue over the ticket but also for illegal detention.


New member
Some people just overreact, a person at a job a relative works for has an employee that complains about people looking at her (not sexually), just looking at her, shes filed at least 8 or so of these complaints to HR.

I was gonna comment about the scared following and her circling him but Patriot already hit the nail on the head.

however I do hope they get on her about filing a false police report, or at least inaccurate report. Just something to put the light back on her and make her think twice about causing issues where theres no issues. I could see if she had been simply walking to her car and saw him with a gun and called it in as a concerned citizen.


Walmart is turning into a magnet for gun related mayhem.

Last week in a Walmart in Illinois a guy waiting in the express check out line behind a pregnant woman gets angry that she went over on the number of items! He lets fly some disparging remarks. The pregnant woman's husband pushes the guy, the guy pulls out a gun ! The 911 board in Oswego lights up as dozens and dozens of people dial 911. Then it turns out the guy who pulled a weapon is an off-duty police officer!

Oy vey...

What's next?
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New member
This should be an interesting one to follow. Do any of you know if disorderly conduct just a catch all ticket or might it mean the man was less than cooperative at some point?


Disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace are catch-all categories, IMO.

Sometimes they can be pretty hard to beat.

It's usually a misdemeanor and 50-100 bucks, something like that.

What I think is tricky about this one though is that it's firearms related and I wonder if it ends up hurting him if applying for non-res permits in other states.

If I remember there are some states that ask on their forms if you've ever been charged with anything related to firearms... I'd have to go and re-check every application again to see what questions they ask.
C0untZer0 said:
Disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace are catch-all categories, IMO.

Sometimes they can be pretty hard to beat.

A couple of weeks ago I attended a class presented by a sergeant in the police department of a nearby town. I live in a state where open carry is legal if you have a carry permit, and that was recently tested in the courts and upheld. So this sergeant, a 19-year veteran and one of the officers who trains rookies, proceeded to tell the class that open carry is not legal. Naturally, I raised my hand and said, 'Excuse me, Sergeant, but if you have a carry permit then open carry IS legal in this state."

He didn't miss a beat. He said, "Well, technically that's correct, but if we get a call about a man with a gun we'll arrest you for disturbing the peace."

Nice. And police officers wonder why we commoners don't respect them.


New member
however I do hope they get on her about filing a false police report, or at least inaccurate report. Just something to put the light back on her and make her think twice about causing issues where theres no issues. I could see if she had been simply walking to her car and saw him with a gun and called it in as a concerned citizen.

I don't think this is plausible, Ram. She had a right to call the police no matter how ridiculous it is. It is possible that she was talking to them and they were asking her to answer questions as well. I do agree w/you whole-heartedly that they should've at the very least gave her a nice talking to though. She needs to know that was wrong(in a way without telling her she can't call police).

I think the judge will continute it(if not just dismiss it entirely) if the man stands up for his rights which seems to be the case. If it is continued, it should never become a guilty and should disappear in 6mths to a year tops, but he would have to pay the court fees if it isn't dismissed. Either way, this man doesn't want to allow a disorderly conduct conviction to go on his permanent record(especially for something like this & when never having been in trouble before).

Thanx also for the article countzero. I didn't know about that...I only read about the naked man in walmart who resisted arrest and put on some store socks while being in there nude recently.


New member
Last week in a Walmart in Illinois a guy waiting in the express check out line behind a pregnant woman gets ****** that she went over on the number of items! He lets fly some disparging remarks. The pregnant woman's husband pushes the guy, the guy pulls out a gun ! The 911 board in Oswego lights up as dozens and dozens of people dial 911. Then it turns out the guy who pulled a weapon is an off-duty police officer!

So, an armed off-duty cop gets bitchy at a pregnant lady, and then draws on the boyfriend after being shoved? Sounds like a pantywaist, and he should really know better than start petty crap while armed.


New member
both parties acted incorrect in my opinion, but I do agree. The video seems like it is obvious there are two sides to the story(though the man arrested and his wife try to 'paint' it the other way).

I will say this though...that internal investigation will include a clear video of the event to the cop's supervisors. It will be very telling, so it is bad for him no matter what happens if the cop is shown losing his cool and/or acting inappropriate in any way.


New member
He said, "Well, technically that's correct, but if we get a call about a man with a gun we'll arrest you for disturbing the peace."
This Sgt should be terminated immediately, as he basically admitted in public that he and his Dept intend to violate law abiding citizens rights under color of law. Yikes.
I read the story, the woman was a blithering idiot.


New member
He said, "Well, technically that's correct, but if we get a call about a man with a gun we'll arrest you for disturbing the peace."
This Sgt should be terminated immediately, as he basically admitted in public that he and his Dept intend to violate law abiding citizens rights under color of law. Yikes.
I read the story, the woman was a blithering idiot.

The strength of our constitutional rights can only be measured by the intensity and strength by which the majority are willing to defend them. Never forget that.

Many in our own government would rather have us have a UK/EU style system than the current system of Government we have. With the apathy our current society breeds I think it might not be too long before our entire country is unrecognizable to those of us born before the mid 90's.
You already have localities where certain constitutional rights such as the second amendment are regularly violated and no one is left to speak out, such as the area where that Sgt is.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.


New member
If he hires an attorney to fight it they I bet they drop the charges. He will be out more than if he paid the fine, which what they are counting on.