Man, antis get ticked...


New member
Man, antis get ticked... When you disagree with them. I cannot believe the venom spewing from one of them over at the Denver Post message boards. All over getting caught in his own words... :(

It makes me glad to have a forum like this! At least when we disagree, we do so with some measure of decorum. And when not, there are always people around to pressure for reform. :)

Jay Baker

New member
Erik, shame on you! How could you say such a thing?!

As we all know, left wing liberals are the most tolerant people in the world. (So long as you agree with every single thing they say and do.) J.B.


New member
That's why I go after fencesitters. A (non-gun owner) guy at work is going to take me up on my offer to sign him up in the NRA. I told him to come over to my desk and listen to the radio about Rosie's bodyguard getting a CCW, and it just so happened that two consecutive callers and the host of a radio show were discussing how, even though they weren't gun owners, they recently joined the NRA. All cited Rosie O'Donnell as the reason: Two over the bodyguard, one over the verbal assault of Tom Selleck on the Rosie show.

The callers and host were all low-key and calm, just like I was. I think my co-worker was caught off guard. Prior to this, he would make nervous comments like "seems like there are too many gun nuts out there" and the like. Five minutes of conversation CAN undo years of media bias.


Oregon residents please support the Oregon Firearms Federation, our only "No compromise" gun lobby.

Nancy Siebern

New member
Longshot, maybe you are right. We should be after the fence sitters because at least they aren't entrenched yet. Erik, you are right, too. Every hardcore anti is not even capable of logic anymore. Anyone of them I have tried to speak with spits out what they have been brainwashed to say. Then when you ask for documentation or try to support your side of the discussion they turn mean and ugly. That is because they know they are wrong and illogical but their pride will not let them be any other way. I do not know how anyone can read things like Jeffrey Snyder's "A Nation of Cowards" and not come away very concerned, or how they could listen to Allan Keyes and not see where we have come from and where we are headed.


New member
I agree about the fence sitters. They are why I even bother with the non-RKBA sites.

I have found some antis to be polite, challenging debaters. They are few and far between, though. They typically, like many supporting the RKBA, dissappear after becoming frustrated with "rhetoric circles."

Jay, I feel appropriately chastized. ;)


New member
Longshot: Where can I get the recording of Rosie ragging on Selleck?

Sounds like a good one for my arsenal.



New member
Well Erik, you're lucky. When I say somethign to the effect of "gun ownership/use/carry is a right" I just get a cold-shouldered "you must a mental" I-don't-want-to-talk-about-it look. I'd love to get some response, at least then I could *try* to get in a dialogue. But my conversations end right after I assert my beliefs in RKBA.

Tom Selleck -- what was this about a rant to him on her show? What happened? Since I don't watch, I know zero about this. Fill me in!



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hueco: ... Tom Selleck -- what was this about a rant to him on her show? What happened? Since I don't watch, I know zero about this. Fill me in ...[/quote]The way I remember it, Tom was on the show to promote a new movie. Usually, that's why Rosie has big-name stars on her show as guests a lot of the time -- they are promoting a new movie, TV show, etc.

I don't remember all of the details as I only saw clips of it but Rosie began making comments about the fact that Tom was a member of the NRA and how the NRA is an evil organization promoting violence, etc. Tom remained polite & professional the entire time pointing out that while he was a member of the NRA and he believed in what they stood for, he was not on the show as a spokesman for the organization and was merely there as a GUEST to discuss his new film.

Again, Tom remained calm & polite while Rosie went off like a lunatic yelling & screaming about the evils of guns. The following day, Howard Stern challenged Rosie on Tom's behalf asking how she could be against guns and work for (doing commercials) Wal-Mart (the single largest seller of firearms in America)? Howard then said that if she really believed in this cause, she should put her money where her mouth was and return all the money that Wal-Mart has paid her over the years.

A statement was released that Rosie would give back the money to Wal-Mart right after Tom gave back the money he got paid from the NRA. The reply quickly came that Tom was a member of the NRA and was not paid for his endorcements so he was more than willing to give back everything -- all $0.00! It was now Rosie's turn to return whatever Wal-Mart paid her.

Silence from her end.

This is how I remember it. Others feel free to correct any parts that I might have left out or got mixed up.

Share what you know, learn what you don't -- FUD


Staff Alumnus
FUD, it was K-Mart, not Wal-Mart (or S-Mart, for that matter, although I could easily envision Selleck as Ash :D). Other than that, you got it right.


Staff Emeritus
Go after the fence sitters, you bet.

But don't be afraid to confront the antis. Many anti-freedom people are there because they have heard only one side of the story.

If you present the truth in a calm, polite, and logical manner, even some of the anti-freedom people begin to have doubts.

If the antis start to scream and become nasty - stay calm. The worse they look, the better you look.

Trust me. Not all the MMM folks are against us. Some of them are "joiners" and "for the children" sounds good to them until they hear "the rest of the story".

It bothers me when any one of us expounds upon "THE WAY" to do much of anything - including fighting tyranny.

I know I've mentioned this before, but Collin Powell's comment, "A movement requires many different voices" was a real eye-opener for me. "Different" voices, he said.

Let each of us fight for our Rights in a manner most effective for each of us.

I'm not a speech giver like Heston.
I can't debate like many of you.
I don't have the money to set up and support a board like TFL.
I have NO idea how to set up a website like El Jefe.

But, by God, Steve and I went to MMM meetings and bearded the lion in her den. We did not win the war - we know that.

But we weakened the resolve of some of their members. We destroyed the myth that gun owners are vicious hot heads. We won over two representatives from an organization which used to believe that guns kill people. (They even have asked us to present a demonstration on "how to secure guns" - we made SOME progress!!!)

Let's leave room for each other in our movement. Let's stop the infighting and support each other in the struggle to restore Constitutional Law in America, okay?

(The defense rests. :) )

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited May 26, 2000).]


New member
You know, Rosie did a very poor job of representing the antis. She was:


She sunk to a very low level to deride Mr. Selleck. It was in fact a personal attack. Her behaviour was inappropriate in any social situation. I used to act like that and my parents punished me by grounding me, etc. The difference between Rosie and me is that when I acted like that I was 4! Here is a grown woman, panting...I mean ranting at someone in public (heck, on national TV). Unfortunately, the day was counted as a victory for the antis, not counted as an embarrassment as it should be. This is ridiculous, to have to deal with people like her. To have to live on teh same planet with such mental defectives really sickens me. I'm not an evolutionsist, but there is somethign to be said for natural selection. It's time for nature to get with it...and start selecting faster! Sheesh. She was like a baby crying because someone wouldn't give her some candy (too bad that all her life, someone HAS given her candy -- too dang much obviously). Whining, that's what she was doing, it was a whine-fest. She was "arguing" like a kid. She obviously obviously obviously does not care for any sort of logic or reasoning. It must take her days to figure out how to turn on a new hairdryer. What a lackey she is. Unbelievable. I really cannot tolerate seeing her.



New member
I have concluded an exchange of emails with the online editor in charge of the website for the Post.

To sum it up: In the end, after several back and forth polite exchanges, the administrator ruled the language of the offensive individual "profane," but not necessarily offensive. I expressed that the apparent unwillingness on the Post's part to even insert a warning was disheartening. The response? The editor deleted the entire thread, indicating his obvious frustration that someone questioned his judgement. Oh, and he refused to send me any policies in writing, or a letter via snail mail on Post letter head.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dennis:
Let each of us fight for our Rights in a manner most effective for each of us.

I'm not a speech giver like Heston.
I can't debate like many of you.
I don't have the money to set up and support a board like TFL.
I have NO idea how to set up a website like El Jefe.

Exactly the right attitude.

Because not every anti-safety person (my new term for the anti-gun-rights folks) will listen to a speech, or pay attention (or take part in) a debate, or read a board like TFL (or GlockTalk), or visit a web site on safety-rights (or even have Internet access).

A multitude of responses from us is necessary to get through to each one in his own way.

"There's not much comfort in the fact that crime is down 6 percent. So instead of 100 criminals targeting you, now there are only 94. Whoop-dee-doo." -- Paxton Quigley

John Marshall

New member

We have too many examples that indicate natural selection either no longer works or never did:
Rosie O'Donnell
Sarah Brady
Charles Schumer
Diane Fienstein
Maxine Waters
and need I add, William Jefferson Clinton.

These individuals are also examples of the need for post-birth abortion.

If you're not a little upset with the way the world is going, you're not paying attention.