Malvo was the shooter


New member
Read today that the ONLY prints on the rifle were Malvo's.

So, lessee...first it was a white male right-wing nutcase. Ooops, wrong, it was a pigmented Muslim. Well, still, it wasn't his religion, it was obviously that the Army taught him to be a killer!

Ooops...wrong was the guy who never served in the military, and who STILL wasn't a pale penis people NRA skinhead Christian.

Well. then what next? The left still has one straw to cling to: it was a MALE. Stand by to find out Malvo is a transsexual!
Highly doubtful he would go through the trouble to put on gloves every time, when he was so lax about everything else. These guys were begging to be caught, and they were brazen.

It would be easy for an older male to influence a teen to do the shooting. Younger people have less consequences and less realization of their actions.

The profiles were way off, and in regard to them being off on the sex, the shooters may not be transexual, but they may be homosexual. But don't expect to hear about it on the news if they were. I have found a surprising amount of Muslims to engage in homosexual activities, even though you would think with their staunch religion that they never would. Just like many religions, sometimes the most fanatical have the biggest skeletons in their closet (no pun intended).

Fred Hansen

New member
Doesn't matter who pulled the trigger. They were both engaged in a criminal conspiracy to commit murder and extortion. Try them. Convict them. Auction off an opportunity to load up the rifle and shoot them, then auction off the rifle on E-bay. Give the proceeds to the victims families.
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