Mall Ninja!


New member
Anyone else getting tired of this saying yet?
I know I am.
Just because I like guns, gun accessories, clothing that are associated with "tactical clothing" (just comfortable to wear). This makes people *@^$ Ninjas?
Can't someone come up with something more creative?
Every time I hear it, it seems as though you are putting down fellow members of TFL or fellow shooters, gun enthusiast. I'm sure there are a few on here that are just that " " but man just because someone talks about not being able to rack a slide, shoot double taps as fast as you or reload very quickly they get bashed with being a " " How about helping them out instead of bashing them?

So now let me have it...Just don't call me a Mall Ninja, since you know nothing about me.


IMO, there are way too many folks who buys guns and gear and then try to imitate movie characters or video games. THOSE are mall ninjas to me, and I have nothing in common with those folks. Many times their actions can cast a bad light on gun owners in general. All one has to do is read threads on this and other forums from some of these folks to realize how either immature or just plain reckless they can be. If the shoe fits...............


New member
Easy now. Deep breaths. Think of your happy place.

I take "mall ninja" to mean someone who has no clue what they're doing, but is more than willing to provide "training" or just be a role model for others. I also liberally apply the term to anyone who carries more than one knife at any given time, or a fixed-blade knife that is longer than my forearm. If you own a sword that is NOT a wall-hanger....well...sorry.

As for the clothing, I typically lounge around in my old DCUs. I still have a bunch of the old BDU stuff I was issued. I even keep some of my old name tapes and my first CIB lying around in an ammo can somewhere. The Mall Ninja (IMHO) is one who dresses in paramilitary clothing, while inferring some connection to the uniformed services, but having never served and having no intention to serve. It's the inferred connection that bugs me.

Being slower/less accurate than others isn't the marker of a MN. Being slower and less accurate while saying the other guys are doing it wrong does.

As for the tacticool accessories...well, if your AR or AK weighs 15lbs and you have run out of rail space because your BudK katana fits on the 9 o'clock rail so nicely, you are indeed a mall ninja.

Also, if you badmouth the 9mm all day long, but proudly carry a .380, you are also a mall ninja. :D


New member
I did mention that I'm sure there are some true '' '' out there.
I just get tired of someone asking for help and getting slammed with "Mall Ninja".
I'm sure that you have always been knowledgeable in guns and tactics and what might be a good holster, mag pouch or anything else to do with gun ownership and never needed help...
I surly wasn't addressing the true " "!

"there are way too many folks who buys guns and gear and then try to imitate movie characters or video games"
I can truly say that I have seen very few of these people at my local ranges. or out in the woods when I go out.


New member
I agree with the OP...the phrase is getting tiresome, no matter whether it is "justifiable" or not. I mean, there are more than enough "posers" out there in the hunting world as well, from what I gather. Yet, this particular crowd seems to have been left alone (from the heckling). Besides, "tactical" is just a selling phrase or a mere category distinction when it comes to accessories and such. Frankly, if something is useful its useful...period; no matter what its called. No sense in calling someone a "mall ninja" simply due to how their rig is equipped (which is usually the case).

Personally, I did fall prey to the whole "tactical" thing as I bought several hundreds of dollars worth of such accessories based on things I read, people I spoke with and supposed need. Alas, most of this stuff is now sitting in a closet. But, did I ever consider myself a "poser?" Nah. I was a beginner making beginners mistakes. In addition, the more I used these weapons, the better I was able to figure out what worked for me and what did not. I consider this normal. Im willing to bet we have ALL been there a time or two before.
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New member
I agree with what you are saying.
I'm saying that when novice come on here looking for help shouldn't we all try to do that? Not smack them down?
How can someone know on here if someone is a " " when you have never seen or meet them?
This thread came about for me because there is someone who is a novice on here asking for help, is open to peoples suggestions and is willing to take what he learns here and apply it. Then he gets slams by someone.
How are we suppose to build our knowledge and the knowledge of others if they get slammed when they look for advice, help?

This is a friendly discussion for me. Not trying to ruffle feathers!


I'm saying that when novice come on here looking for help shouldn't we all try to do that? Not smack them down?

Agreed.....but on the other hand, when someone comes on and starts a post on the same subject that is being discussed on several threads on the same page.....or doesn't use the search engine.....or wants to be too lazy or cheap to, for example, buy a reloading manual and wants data........well, some things tend to cross that line between honest naivete and plain stupidity. Ignorant I can help with.......just sayin'...........


New member
take "mall ninja" to mean someone who has no clue what they're doing

Wouldnt this type of individual simply be called a novice/beginner? The phrase "mall ninja" has much more negative connotations than that.

Agreed.....but on the other hand, when someone comes on and starts a post on the same subject that is being discussed on several threads on the same page.....or doesn't use the search engine.....or wants to be too lazy or cheap to, for example, buy a reloading manual and wants data........well, some things tend to cross that line between honest naivete and plain stupidity. Ignorant I can help with.......just sayin'...........

This, I agree, could be construed as being somewhat lazy. But, again, this is a gun forum so it is probably one of the first places someone will come to when seeking answers (hopefully based on experience and knowledge).
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No, I'm addressing the comment about new folks that you made. Someone can be new and ask questions and get answers. However, I see a lot of threads started by someone whose wording leads me to believe they are a video-game commando looking for the biggest, baddest thing out there, yet have no idea what they're talking about, or even asking about; their mindset is still in some war game mode. THOSE, IMO are your mall ninjas


New member
oneounceload I'm guessing you like the term...:D
Well those people my well be Mall Ninjas.
Those aren’t the people or threads I'm talking about.

When I started on this site I didn't know all the little ins and out of it.
I often searched for things and never found the answer I was looking for and some senior members pointed me in the right direction.

Part of what I'm saying is there are dump people in the world who we all wish didn't have guns. Then there are those who are looking for help.


New member
video-game commando

Hmm...this sounds more "to the point" than mall ninja. I kinda like it actually. ;)

Regardless, its safe to assume that there will always be those who seek the "biggest and baddest" out there. Frankly, its a straight to the point question, regardless of the reasons behind it. This, at least, I can understand. The rest comes from trial and error (ie., experience).

Personally, my biggest concern is with those who buy ANY weapon thinking its a "magic talisman" against criminals. But, this is another debate/discussion entirely.


New member
Look at the other half of my quote.
but is more than willing to provide "training" or just be a role model for others

Nothing wrong with being a beginner. I was once. I'm still far from a master of anything.

Mall Ninja is an attitude more than a skill level. It is the deeply held belief that carrying more swords than magazines into battle is a wise decision. Or that wearing surplus uniforms makes you a soldier. Or that the reason someone else is faster/more accurate/more knowledgeable is because they're doing it wrong.

I'm not against helping newcomers. I do my best to train anyone I know who wants to learn. I'm picking up a Model 64 .38spl for my mom and niece to learn to shoot with. I don't want to swat anyone away from assistance if they are seeking it. I'm also not afraid to tell a newbie that they don't need 84lbs of gear hanging off the front of their AR, or that the Taurus Judge is not the epitome of handgun technology. I don't think it is mean spirited to tell someone to knock it off when they're going down a bad road or wasting money/time. Case in point, I was doing PCIs with my team before moving out to the field for a few days of laser tag (MILES gear, yay :barf: ). I was checking out my SAW gunner when I see he has two leg drop platforms on. Each holds a single 12" knife. I told him to go take them off and I didn't want to see him carrying more than one reasonably sized knife at a time. He had 1200rds to carry plus some other crap and all he's going to do with those two 12" knives is open an MRE. He didn't care for my judgment call but he got over it.
just because someone talks about not being able to rack a slide, shoot double taps as fast as you or reload very quickly they get bashed with being a " " How about helping them out instead of bashing them?
I can't really say that I have seen this happening all that much.

take "mall ninja" to mean someone who has no clue what they're doing
Wouldn't this type of individual simply be called a novice/beginner? The phrase "mall ninja" has much more negative connotations than that.
That was pretty much the definition of quoting out of context to change someones meaning. He clearly added that they also have to provide someone with training and promote themself as knowledgeable. I always try to get new shooters to go to some sort of organized shooting event with me so they will have some people who know more than me around to help them out, usually they just want to go in more casual easy going environment though.

I calls 'em as I sees 'em. I am just glad most of the ninjas don't stick around here too long. Let AR15 have them.

Sometimes when I am at the range I want a hot pocket, which is why I keep a hotpocket on dry-ice in the butt-stock of my DPMS SASS and a microwave on my 9 o'clock rail. My DPMS is modified to be piston operated so I converted the piston into an electrical generator. Three mags rapid fire and I have a hot pocket anywhere in the world. I prefer pizza, although chicken and broccoli is good too.


Then there are those who are looking for help.

And as I said, I have no problem with someone who is new asking for help, especially if they are new to guns in general, or a particular type (going from handgun to shotgun for example).

MY preference for shotguns lies in the target and bird hunting mode, NOT the "tacticool" zombie-horde killing, gotta have 72 things on it crowd. That's THEIR thing, good for them. I would rather discuss English "bests" than read yet another "Mossy vs. Remmy" thread, so I do not read those threads or offer advice to those seeking the holy grail of hd guns...... :D


New member
I don't think there is anything wrong with being strait up and honest with people. When they are being put down instead of helped is all I'm talking about.

It is a fact that our gun rights are always endanger. Someone is always hiding in the shadows looking to take things away from us. IMO we need to get as many people on our side that we can. Calling then a Mall Ninja because of their lack of knowledge is wrong.

Uncle Buck

New member
"Mall Ninja is an attitude more than a skill level. It is the deeply held belief that carrying more swords than magazines into battle is a wise decision. Or that wearing surplus uniforms makes you a soldier. Or that the reason someone else is faster/more accurate/more knowledgeable is because they're doing it wrong."

I like the term Mall Ninja. It describes a person with-out having to go through a 50 word paragraph.
I get called a lot of things and I hear other people being called names. Oh well, if you aint feeding me, sleeping with me, or doing my laundry, I do not care what you call me.