Making some progress...


Staff In Memoriam
me and my daughter stopped at the gun shop today so I could see if my wrecked hand/arm is ready for a semi auto CC gun. I am nearly there. If'n I precock a DA/SA hammer I can almost clear a jam properly BUT not quite... Maybe a month of exercise and I can! not that I consider a .22lr pistol adequate, I am able to manipulate the slide on one pretty well!


New member
Good Job!!

Keep working on it and you'll get there soon. Are you taking any physical therapy? If you are, tell the therapist what you are trying to do they might be able to come up with a program for you. I did it when I broke my hand & thumb years ago.


Staff In Memoriam
jim, I am in PT and they know I desire to "work" again. i really mucked up my left hand/arm. I rolled an SUV and when the roof caved in I got knocked out... my arm went out side and got squished 'tween the door and road. the surgeons did what they could... I had to get alot of skin graft done on my arm and they had to sew my left hand together along the left palm. i do think one more month and I might be able to deal with the slide... I will never make a good fist to brawl my way out of a situation so I had to redetermine my options and CWC is all i can settle on!