Making paper shooting fun?


New member
Hello all.
Being from an uber conservative state I am stuck shooting paper targets with my pistols. I shoot indoors frequently and am looking for some suggestions on how to creatively spice up my paper shooting.
Right now, I do what I call a "one, two, three, four" which means I shoot 1 mag at 25 yards, 2 at 15 yards, 3 at 10 yards and 4 mags at 7 yards. Goal is to end up with as small a hole as possible as dead center as possible.:)
Does anyone have any creative techniques or ideas that cold make shooting paper fun? I like to blast off lots of rounds and with my PPQ I am able to shoot 3 shot groups that are touching so I'm looking to branch out to something fresh.


New member
Concentrate on Shooting bulls eye. It more frustrating than golf.

Maintain a record book so you can see your improvement. write down your thoughts on each round/session.

When you "clean" a bulls eye slow fire target at 50 yds (one handed) you will have an unreal feeling. (10 rounds each in the 10 ring for 100 points)

Your notes will help when you have a problem later on. I still review my logs from 1975 when I shot on the 5th ID team. Those notes have helped me correct my problems as well as my students. I also included my coaches comments and instructional techniques.

If you shoot bulls eye your groups will improve in all of your shooting.


New member
If your target hanger has two clips, you can hang two targets and alternate shots between them. Assuming this does not violate any of the range rules. If it does not you could also use a piece of cardboard and some sort of fastener to achieve the same thing. Again, as long as it would not violate the rules. If you are allowed to bring your own targets, there are also a variety of targets that offer multiple points of aim from little animal silhouettes to multiple bullseyes on one sheet. Granted, from my experience most indoor ranges have limitations on time between shots, so working on multiple target acquisition speed may be limited by this.

Finding a shooting buddy could also bring some fun to the range, as you can play games with called shots, or just the competition between the two of you on a bullseye target.


New member
Try different size circles on one target backing, from two to eight inches diameter, spread around in different ways.
Transition from one to another as fast as possible, with one shot each.
Then two shots each and so on.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Fun targets from Targetz make it more challenging and amusing, especially if you can get some friendly competition going with fellow shooters.

A personal favorite of mine is cut the fuse without setting off the dynamite. Target 20013.


New member
Great link
Can play a game of cricket might be as fun as shooting at a soda can can’t wait to use this one
The dart board on fun targets page 3

Every day I tell myself that one day I’m going to retire and move to the country so I can shoot at a can again


New member
How about shooting 200 rounds into a quarter-sized hole? And then cutting the target horizontally? Or playing the old trick of shooting a card sideways? Or "liberating" your wife's magazines and using full-page photos of models as targets (always gets the rangemastres upset for some reason)? Hanging two targets and alternating shooting them can be fun too.

I haven't shot at paper targets in years, my favorite are milk jugs suspended on 2-3' of fishing line.


New member
Try weak handed until you get good.

Try the 'gangsta hold' and see what it takes to hit accurately that way. (prolly ought to tell the RO what you're up to so he doesn't get the wrong idea)

Try to achieve the very same accuracy with all your handguns.


New member
How about practicing point shooting without using the sights.
A very useful skill to have and guaranteed to provide hours of practice trying to master.


New member
I'm glad you posted this, because I'm in a similar situation. There are some great suggestions here, and next time I'm at the range (once the temperature dips below 100... seriously, it's 108 according to my thermometer today), I'm going to try a few of them. I like the stick-on neon targets and I bought a few sizes. I'll place them on a big paper target and see if I can shoot both of them accurately.


New member
If you go shooting with a friend or two, me and my friends do a competition much like Knockout in Basketball.

Start from a short distance, say 7yards, and progressively move farther every round. Each shooter has one bullet to shoot, and the point of the game is to get as close as possible to the bullseye. Everytime a shooter shoots closer than you, you get "knocked out" of the game. You get the point. So each shooter gets one shot to get close to bullseye, and anyone who shot previously gets booted out if they had a worse shot. Of course its better with at least 3 shooting buddies.


New member
Being from an uber conservative state
That is not a conservative state.
But for a neat gun game
take a popsicle stick or paint stir stick and tape or glue q-tips 90 degrees left and right. You can only shoot the fuzzy end of the q-tip that is sticking out and you must use a 22 caliber pistol.