Make Your Voice Heard


New member

The 110th Congress has been sworn in and is now up and running. As we've been reporting, with most of the congressional leadership firmly in anti-gun hands, you can bet we are going to face a number of challenges that threaten our Second Amendment rights. However, we are also going to work to ensure that newly-elected lawmakers who ran on pro-gun campaign promises, get an opportunity to make good on their commitments, as we will take advantage of any and all opportunities to advance our agenda.

With so many new faces in Congress, and both houses under new management, it is important that your elected officials hear from you NOW to learn of your support for the Second Amendment and your opposition to new gun control laws. Remember, some of these legislators have NEVER cast a gun-related vote. We never want to hear a lawmaker claim he voted for restrictions on our rights because he never heard anything to the contrary from his constituents. No lawmaker deserves a free pass! And don't forget to contact your state officials as well. Most state legislatures have also reconvened (or will soon), and we anticipate that much of the action we face this year will be at the state level.

NRA-ILA has a number of tools to make identifying and contacting your representatives easy. Visit, and click the "Take Action" tab at the top of the page. Then, choose the "Write Your Representatives" option. By entering your zip code, you will be provided with contact information for your lawmakers in Washington.


New member
I see that you aren't even getting much readership on your post.
Well, based on our experiences here in Kommunist Kanada, you folks are in for one hell of a battle. The anti's will have your guns if the progun people don't start lobbying NOW!!!!
We did exactly what you folks are doing now. Ignoring the problem. Trust me, the issue isn't going to go away by itself. Don't get so deep into the hole that it'll take a miracle to extricate yourselves.
Being passive isn't going to win the war!!!


New member
OlderFox, while I don`t expect any response here on the thread, I just hope that they see this message and respond to their elected officials rather than replying here. Also remember, a lot of TFL`s here are already NRA members and have already gotten the alert themselves. But, if you are right about them not taking any action to their elected officials, then one day the U.S. will be like Canada, Britian, and other countries.


I rather like what a Past President of the NRA and also famous movie actor had to say before his health failed, "From my cold dead hands.............."


New member
I think the reason for the relative silence is that many of us believe that it's a waste of our time and breath relying on the government to protect or restore our rights. As much as I sincerely wish that writing to our congresscritters could make a my heart I know it won't.
I rather like what a Past President of the NRA and also famous movie actor had to say before his health failed, "From my cold dead hands.............."
No offense but I personally think that quote did more to arm anti-gunnies and hurt gun rights more than most any other single statement.

It made gun owners appear to be angry, violent people that would go down guns blazing, taking anyone with them that tried to take away their guns even if they were doing so legally.

It was like saying even if the laws change I will do what I please and kill anyone that tries to stop me.

Doesn't go very far convincing people that gun owners are rational, trustworthy, law abiding people that can be reasoned with and are worth listening to when they reason with you.


New member
Gun Owners

I totally agree. "From my dead cold hands..." makes gun owners and NRA members seem like a bunch of nuts holed up in their Montana bunkers waiting for jackbooted federal thugs to knock in our door and take away our guns.

Instead, we and the NRA should be promoting the image of most of us, regular working, law abiding Americans who want to carry a self defense tool to protect themselves and their family. Gun owners are mainstream law abiding citizens, not gun nuts as the Brady folks, Hollywood celebrities, liberal politicians and the liberal media portray us.


New member
many of us believe that it's a waste of our time and breath relying on the government to protect or restore our rights.

Why would you rely on the Government to protect your Constitutional rights?

Only you can prevent forest fires.....:D


New member
Well...the Declaration of Independence list a single reason for the existence of secure our rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

WE know that the government no longer does this...but that's what it is supposed to do.


New member
Those of you that think writing to your Congressman is a waste of time and will not make a differnce, then let me ask you two questions. What have you done for Freedom today? Why do you even have guns?


New member

I believe that many don't see there congressman as a problem, just other peoples congressmen. Flawed thinking to be sure.

No man has to be politically active to own firearms. Once upon a time in the US, the only people allowed to vote were land owners. They could still own a firearm. The idea behind the need to own land to be able to vote was because you had something to lose. So in an indirect way, you owe it to yourself to be involved in the political sphere as you have something to lose. Those that are on welfare will vote for their best interests. Those would include bigger government surely.

Get involved today. We all have more to lose than just property and guns.


New member
THE NRA sends me email alerts. they make it easy to send messages to the correct people. without the NRA we would have our guns illegally


New member
posted by WSM Magnum:

"Those of you that think writing to your Congressman is a waste of time and will not make a differnce, then let me ask you two questions. What have you done for Freedom today? Why do you even have guns?"

Hmm....let me see....I home school my my kids, I am constantly seeking to educate those around me not only about their freedom regarding guns...but ALL of their freedoms, I serve in the military, I vote Libertarian, and most importantly..I DON'T support those who don't support our freedom. I don't enable them.

As to why I own guns....I don't NEED a reason. That's the wonderful thing about need no justification for exercising them. Oh..I have many reasons...I enjoy shooting, I have them in case they are needed to protect life or liberty.


New member
Slugthrower said:
I believe that many don't see there(sic) congressman as a problem, just other peoples congressmen. Flawed thinking to be sure.
No, I know my congress-things are the problem. Though I'm guessing you're right about most people.

Kennedy and Kerry in the senate and John "The Nutty Professor" Olver is my rep. The first two arrogant elitists (have their staff) ignore mail. Olver responded, for example, to my urging him to vote for HR800 (the house version of Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms) by telling me no, it would prohibit all lawsuits v.s. manufacturers. A flat-out lie.

So, yeah, I write, and they ignore. They lie. They do whatever their socialist agenda says...

Peet (disgusted)


New member
I can only speak from experience.
The only thing that has saved our guns, so far, is writing, phoning and meeting with our political representatives. Believe me when I say it has made a difference. Not a huge difference but enough to make the politicians rethink their agenda.
At the moment we are in a stalemate. But that's better than knowing you are losing.

The worst offenders are the media.
They know diddly squat and don't know the difference between an auto or semi-auto. It's up to the gun owners to write and call the editors and get your letters into print. THAT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
