Make em the same...

Coop de Ville

New member
Make em both the same


Hi All,

Why not? Make em the same spec...

16" barrel and 26" for both...

I would love to have a 16" shotgun without the paperwork....

Would simlpify the regs anywho.

Being a shorter person, that 2" would feel a lot handier.

Anyway, just sayin



New member
why not

by why not do you mean the regulations or why not a shorter barrel? as for the regulations I personally don't think there should be any.



Why do you think the 2 inches at that length would make a difference? Do you have first-hand experience? At that short of a barrel, the swing dynamics are poor at best

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
They were the same once, Coop. The Gun Control Act of 1934 specified 18" barrels for both rifles and shotguns.

When all those M1 carbines were DCM'd after WWII, the rifle specs were changed to allow those carbines to be sold off to civilians.

Coop de Ville

New member
When all those M1 carbines were DCM'd after WWII, the rifle specs were changed to allow those carbines to be sold off to civilians.

This. So things can change....

And yes the 2 inches makes a difference to me. My 20" police mag handles a lot differently for me than my 18 inch marine mag. Another 2 inches would be great. We use shorties at work and I think they handle fine.




New member
Some local laws are different than the federal law. Michigan the overall length must be over than 30 inches. Otherwise it becomes a pistol, yah I know 30 inches is big for a pistol buy they want rifled air pistols registered too. Old laws that need to be changed.