

New member
I want TFL's opinion on Makarovs.

Do any of you carry them?

What are they good for?


Whats up with the extremely low prices?

Is the 9x18 cartridge worthy?

I'm thinking of maybe ordering a couple of them.

Would I be better off with a Raven?


I want TFL's opinion on Makarovs.

Good simple, accurate, effective, inexpensive firearm.

Do any of you carry them?

I have in the past, plan to on occasion in the future, and my wife does every day.

What are they good for?

Plinking, self-defense, surpisingly accurate and very fast to shoot.


Utterly reliable.

Whats up with the extremely low prices?

Dollars buy a lot in the recently ex-commie world.

Is the 9x18 cartridge worthy?

In its hotter loadings (Russian), it is about a half-step between the standard pressure .380 and the standard pressure 9mm Luger.

I'm thinking of maybe ordering a couple of them.

I have two myself. Both Bulgarian.

Would I be better off with a Raven?


Good shooting,



New member
Not trying to be an a** but this subject has been covered in every detail many times. Check out the search function. I say this just because you will be able to have all your questions answered in a much shorter time frame. You will be reading the rest of the night and half of tomorrow.

The Makarov is a terrific pistol. It is accurate, reliable, and very well made. I own three of them and was more than satisfied with every one of them. The caliber is basically a .380. Not litterally a .380 but it shoots about the same weight bullet at about the same velocity. The 9mm Mak is supposed to be slightly hotter, but in practical terms they are the same. They are absoulutly reliable. I don't carry mine, but I wouldn't hesitate to. What is it good for ? Plinking, informal target shooting, personal defense, small game hunting (where I live that basically means jackrabbits). The reaon the prices are so low is that they were manufactured in communist countries where wages are very low. They are also mostly military or police surplus guns. Believe me, if these guns were being made in the US, they would command a significantly higher price tag. If you are in the market for a relitively small gun, I would heartily recommend ordering a couple. You will be happy about it.
Don't even speak of a Makarov and a Raven in the same sentence. They are night and day.

Eric Larsen

New member
They are great guns. The Makarov gun and caliber are just plain good cheap fun. It can be carried. Most Maks hold 7-8 rounds.
With the right JHP it is an adequate Defense gun. Small, light
dependable, accurate and inexpensive....:cool:


New member
I can't help but notice people snagged on the price. I think if makarovs sold for 3 times the $$(which materials and craftsmanship-wise they should) then they would get taken seriously.

Not only are Makarov and Raven not in the same ballpark, they're not even in the same country :D Like a nice S&W model 10 - it's not expensive, but it's a fine gun.

My Bulgarian mak is my "little" carry gun. I usually carry a Colt Government model, but when I need something smaller it's the Makarov... no reservations whatsoever.

Will Beararms

New member
You better act fast. I was at a Gun Show in Dallas this weekend and I saw one NIB for $200.00. They are not as plentiful as they have been.

I have a Bulgie that I gave to my dad and they are great products.


New member
I have two Bulgarians. Both absolutely reliable with whatever I feed them - no jams, no failures to feed, no stovepipes, ever. Both incredibly accurate. My prefered carry gun. Check out for more info. 'Nuff said.


New member
I think Will Beararms is right ... it looks like the Mak is going to be the next big fad (which will drive prices up).

I really wish Baikal could sell here because they still make brand new Maks (and some variations like a 9x19mm Mak)


New member
"really wish Baikal could sell here "

I didn't know they couldn't. I have one. Was there some law and I got in under the wire ?


New member
Even at 200 Shekels, the Mak is a bargain. Having said that, I'm sure if you look around a bit you'll find a used East German or even a new Bulgarian for less. Good luck! They're great guns.



New member
not bad for a cheap ex-commie gun

:cool: plan on buying one at least but am thinking about getting my curio and relic licence so I can get old guns cheaper, I have a soft spot for those things, for what you pay I have heard alkinds of good things about them. Not meaning to pry but have noticed a lack of ewoks on the Guns and Ammo forum, are they endangered, perhaps PETA can help, lol.

good shootin


New member
Had nothing better to do, so I snapped a quick pic of the 9x18 for visual familiarization with three other (more commonly known) rounds that it's often compared to.

L: 9x19 (9mm)

M: 9x18

R: 9x17 (.380acp)


  • comparison.jpg
    17.5 KB · Views: 186


New member
  • 1) Makarovs are the Glocks of the old Eastern Bloc. The Rugers of the commie world. In short there Grrrrreat!!!!! :cool:

    2) Yes, I carry mine. :)

    3) They are good for everything you would use a pistol for.

    4) See answer above!!! :eek:

    5) The commies need cash!!! :rolleyes:

    6) The 9x18 Makarov round will do it's job, provided you do yours!!! ;)

    7) Go for it!! I have seven!! 1--Russian 1---Chinese 2---Bulgarian 3---East Deutsch!!!! The one I carry is an East Deutsch: Stazi issue. Very smooth and accurate!!!! :D

    8) Don't even think of mentioning that abomination in the same breath as Makarov!!! :mad: :barf:


New member
Thanks for all of the replies.
I new I could count on you for quick and useful information.
Looks like I'll be gettin' a pair.
We all know I was kidding about the raven, it doesn't even deserve to be capitalized. ;)


New member
BTW, some tests I saw showed much better accuracy with Western made 9x18 ammo than most of the Russian or other Eastern Bloc ammo.


New member
originally posted by 444
"really wish Baikal could sell here "

I didn't know they couldn't. I have one. Was there some law and I got in under the wire ?
Klinton made the import of Baikal's Mak's illegal so if you have one it was imported before the ban


New member
I should have guessed.

I have one with the box and everything including one of their catalogs.
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