Makarov Problems


New member
Today, I took one of my E. Deutsch Makarovs to the range. Frankly, this is the first time I had ever shot this one. It had laid unused in my collection for some time, and I thought it was time to "excersise" it. There is nothing special about it. Just an issued Makarov from 1962, so there is no real intrinsic value to it. Anyway, it shoots high and to the left!!!! It's not me, for I had two independant shooters try it. It prints 1" groups wonderfully... high and to the left!!! What can be done, especally about the elevation???? Is this basically just a range pistol, or is there something that can be done???
It would be nice to add this one to my defensive pistol stable, but not in this condition!!!!!


New member
The rear sight can be drifted to correct windage. To correct shooting high would require adding material to the front sight (not an easy fix), or removing material from the rear sight to lower it.

You might try drifting out the rear sight & installing a new one - maybe the one on the gun is too tall.


New member
You need to get a lower rear sight to drop the elevation. Windage can be adjusted by moving the rear sight in the direction you want to move the group.

Try for rear sights, they are numbered as to size.

3 gun

New member
How far "high and left" and at what range? The high part may be a case of shooting at a shorter range that the maker regulated the sights for with the anticipated (mil-spec) ammo. A simple change in ammo could make the difference. Lighter bullets generally will print lower on target than heavy rounds.


New member
It's about 1.5" high and left. I was using Russian (Soviet) mil spec ball and Wolf commercial ammo. I will check out Karl's offerings to be sure!!!!!!


New member
You scared me there for a minute. I actually thought someone had a serious problem with a Makarov.;)


New member
If you do have to replace the rear sight, let us know how it goes! I wonder how easy it will be to drift out?


New member
If you've never shot it before, could it possibly be new, or near new?

I wouldn't move anything before I put about 300 rounds of differing brands of ammo through it....break it in.

These things are REALLY easy to reload for. My Bulgie likes the Phoenix 93gr lead/Unique/cut-down 9 X 19 brass supper I've cooked up for it....accurate and powerful.

With a 98% power load it shot clear through a solid piece of 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" treated pine.

This 9X18 round is somehow more powerful than the ballistics tables say it is.


New member
You may be right. :D I don't reload, so I rely on the steel cased stuff. I'll give it about another 150 rounds before I do anything. However, in the meantime, I'll check out Karl's rear sights!!! ;)