Makarov price 2014


New member
I'm looking to buy my first makarov and have been looking at prices. I'm wondering what a good price is right now. Everything I've read is from a while back so I don't know that the info is still valid. I've seen newer ones for about 250.00 up to 650.00 for an east German one.


New member
Norincos have pretty much disappeared from the market, so no telling what they wil bring at auction. A good East German will now bring close to $600.00.

If you want a Makarov, look around for a Bulgarian. Just as good as the others and a lot cheaper.

It's a gun that is virtually 100% reliable; In over 20 years and thousands of rounds shot through a Mak, I have had exactly ONE failure and that was a dead cartridge.


New member
Just yesterday, I picked up a beautiful Bulgarian Makarov (finish looks like an East German Mak) for a very low $250 at a local shop.

I was quite surprised, because I would expect to see one it this condition for around $400 in my local area, and probably more on gunbroker.

Last week, I picked up a real beater Russian commercial model Mak (9x18, adjustable sight, single stack) for $120. It was rusty, filthy, missing its firing pin and the elevation spring for the rear sight, but it was still a good grab at that price. I have since brought it back to shooting condition, and have made serious inroads on its cosmetics. Just needed lots of elbow grease and a few parts.
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New member
Just yesterday, I picked up a beautiful Bulgarian one (finish looks like an East German Mak) for a very low $250 at a local shop.

The Bulgarians are just as nicely finished as any of the others, and, IMHO, much better finished than the Russian ones (Baikals).

If you plan on keeping the gun for the rest of your life (as I do), invest an extra 50 bucks or so and get a spare parts kit. (Often seen on eBay or dealers like KVar.)


New member
The Bulgarians are just as nicely finished as any of the others, and, IMHO, much better finished than the Russian ones (Baikals).

If you plan on keeping the gun for the rest of your life (as I do), invest an extra 50 bucks or so and get a spare parts kit. (Often seen on eBay or dealers like KVar.)

Well, my other Bulgarian Maks are decent, but the one I got yesterday blew them away. The bluing on it looks like the bluing on some of my S&W revolvers.

I'm a Mak guy (I now own 3 Bulgarians and one Baikal) and am keeping mine for the long haul, so I will be investing in parts kits.

Great little guns.


New member
$600 for a EG Mak?

Dang... and I paid $105 for mine years ago. Sure wish I'd have bought a whole box of them.

Amen to that! I got my bunch from J&G years ago when they were less than that.